Hey guys, not posted on the forums apart from the occasional lurk for a while. Anyway, I found about 2 weeks ago I had an Ear Infection and tonsillitis (don't google image btw). Anyway, the Infection in my ear has cleared up and it's just a little deafer than my left, good ear (just natural though, the infection itself has fucked off thankfully). But my tonsillitis hasn't. I'll start by telling you I have smoked about 10 times in my life, over a space of about 2 years, so while im not a newb, i am a pretty early-staged guy. My old dealer was unreliable so I got a buddy to give me his guys number. I asked the guy to hit me up with an 8th and surprisingly it was alright stuff. It smelt skunky and it was sticky. Now, ive done enough research and looked at enough pick-ups to know the good shit from the swag, and i'd say this was 7/10 stuff. I smoke maybe 1 or 2 jays from it. I got a strong high that lasted for a short while (can someone maybe think of what strain may have caused this?). It was a deep one that did NOT give me much couch-lock but felt pretty good, but like I said, it lasted for only maybe 45 minutes. I didn't smoke that much though. Now when I hit it I coughed a bit, it was harsh but I put that down to using the Red Rizla's. If you're from the United Kingdom or have ever used Rizla's, you'll know the Red one's are the thickest. Also the joint I was smoking it in had tobacco (please do not mention this, to each their own and all, i could do without "ewwwwwwwwww tobacco, nasty"). I used to smoke tobacco on its own in cigarettes but quit and now only have some in joints, so i thought the coughing was down to these factors. Now later on that night my throat was sore. I inhaled deeply (too deeply, remember, this is the first time i've smoked in about 6 months). A few days later I met up with some friends, One who tried it (he doesn't smoke but will try it) and another few who are against smoking (mainly tobacco) but kept their motherfucking mouths shut for a good reason. The day was fine until later on THAT night my throat was sore again. At this point im thinking, "sore throat after smoking on more than 2 occasions? Cannot be a coincidence!" It is NOT the tobacco that was doing the throat-aching. I always smoke spliffs and have never had any problems with the tobacco, but this new sack i picked up a few weeks back is making me think. I've got probably around 2 grams left, which will get me atleast 4-6 spliffs, if not more. But about 2 weeks after smoking the final spliff from it, i found i have tonsillitis. That was about 1 week ago (3 weeks sinse i smoked). Its my birthday on Sat. and im think about having a spliff on the friday with a few friends. Im fucked for cash so i cant go pick up (even if i do, what if the guy sells more grit?). The weed is sticky and has crystals at the bottom of the bag, sorry i cant post pics i dont have a good camera. So should I risk it and smoke a spliff? Could smoking grit weed cause tonsillitis? is it likely this is grit weed? Grit weed is weed that dealers add sugar or sand to, to bulk it and make it look like it has more crystals thanks guys
Wut? it fucks with you. so you smoke it again... so it fucks with you again... so you ask if you should smoke more? lol im not high enough for this thread iguess
it's hard to help you without pics. crystals at the bottom of the bag doesn't sound like a good sign though.. i mean if it's just kief that's alright but if they're actually glittery shiny looking crystals.. you very well may have yourself some grit weed
I was using the same thick-ass papers and smoking w/tobacco, im wandering if i should smoke without tobacco and with thinner papers
pretty sure its grit then bud... but try to fashion a quick bowl and hit that to see if it is your papers... if its grit iguess you could bong it?
^okay good. that sounds like kief. i think you're all good man. i'd say try leavin the tobacco outta the equation and if you can maybe even smoke a pipe or something instead of a joint. it's pretty normal for your throat to be irritated by smoke when you're not a regular smoker.. so maybe take smaller hits too &im pretty sure the tonsillitis is just a complete coincidence & whatchu talkin bout dexdurr what he described sounds like kief not grit!
Thanks man. I'm sorry I can't rep you at this stage (if I get to a light green Ill be sure to give you rep a few times). Ill definatly try leaving the papers and hitting it up in a pipe. Thanks again guys!