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My best idea on getting me threw the dry times!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dstrong1337, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Okay dudes i don't know if you guys already do this but i recently thought up a way of helping you threw the dry times. I use a 4 piece hand grinder to bust up my herb the ones that have a screen and a catch for your crystal. I have started putting my roaches and even little tiny nugs when i have a generous amount of pot. It really helps when you run out because you have all those roaches and little buds and what no all piled up in there covered in crystal which gets you massively baked of course. I call it the stoner cocktail lol. Anyways this is my first post ever so sorry if i fd up y'all. :cool:
  2. yea but if you put roahes and other gross shit in your grinder:

    A) your grinder will smell like burnt stale joints, Gross!
    B) your kief will be a little messed up, as it will be on resiny weed.

    just let ur kief grow by itself and wait til you havea massive qnty
  3. I was going to say something about how you could just man up and deal with sobriety but I'm not too opposed to that idea... I don't have a grinder but when I do, I will definitely keep this cocktail in mind. Thanks man.
  4. Yeah man and its not really like your actually running out cause you would burn thoses roaches anyways just now they are crytal covered and get you high as a giraffes vay jay jay. i personally take all the paper off of them before tho just so i dont have to smoke all that later on
  5. grow your own.
  6. Whenever I'm dry I:

    1) Analyze the source of the problem
    2) Look for solutions
    3) Fix the problem

    For example, if I have no money, I try to do whatever I can to make money, even desperate measures lol. Just last week I was broke...checked my university's online bulletin board, saw the Department of Psychology offering $20 compensation for some testing, 3 hours later BAM bought a twin :smoke:

    All my dealers are out? I set aside some time to go chill at the local stoner places I know, call EVERYONE up, text people I haven't talked to in years lol, gotta get my greens
  7. Im thinking about doing a little something soon in my closet or an ikea wardrobe i saw floresent shop lights on sale at home depot the other day deff going to have to do more research tho
  8. I like my kief clean and tasty.
  9. or, you know, you could just realize that not having weed isn't a huge deal and it really isn't that bad to not smoke for a little while every once in a while....
    obviously weed isn't addicting in most senses of the word, but doing anything (well, not anything....) to get some isn't exactly a good thing...
    but hey, this is a stoner site so i don't expect people to agree with me

    EDIT: but yeah if i could be high all day everyday i would
  10. I think its best to keep your kief, with kief. Keep your roaches with other roaches, and keep your little buds with other little buds in air-tight stuff.

    I see what your getting at by keeping all that stuff with your kief. But by putting roaches with something will always result in carbon bits all over stuff. If you want kief with your stuff just put some on top.
  11. i put all my roachs in a pill bottle. And this year im keeping an ounce stored in a mason jar for hard times.
  12. This sounds like a terrible idea. Why not just smoke the roaches, and save the kief for when you want to be blasted.
  13. I keep my roaches in a small glass jar (this one was a Folgers jar).

    When I get low or funds for fresh greens, I dip into the roaches. During good times, the roach jar will fill up, and my tradition when that happens is to roll up all of it into a stage 2 (2nd gen) joint/blunt. My record is 13.1 grams in that little jar that i rolled up. I couldn't just roll up 13.1 though, so I tossed in some fresh bud to make it an even 1/2 oz J.

    Moneys been very tight for quite a while though, and I don't even think I have a roach jar anymore... The subtle effects of the recession... :(

    But yeah, stashes are great for lean times.

    I always used to stash bowls of bomb in random places I'd find later (ex. Shoes/jackets/pants I rarely wear). It was always a pleasant surprise. The trick is to smoke before and after to stash it, to make it easier to forget about. Now I just have a stash jar. I move around too much to keep things out of order, much less forget about anything...

    Whatever works right?
  14. I like to take some time off every now and then. Saves you money and when you do smoke again you won't need as much, at least for a few days.
  15. Yeah ive been prettty hard up lately to having to go a couple days here and couple days there without it. Its funny tho and probally all just in my head but somedays im so chill with not getting high but otherdays im just a weed fiend it feels like and i get so irratable. Lol i just ran out so imma smoke some of my kiefy roaches right now lols
  16. I vape so what I do is vape till the bowl is slightly golden but still has a good amount of green in it and I save it.

    Once I'm out of bud I revape the half vaped weed till its golden brown which then I save so I can cook with those.

    Overall 3 grams lasted me almost a month.
  17. That is Godly how the hell does 3 grams last a month!!!!!!
  18. Even when I had a vape I couldn't make it last that long.
  19. I vape maybe .1 grams a day at the most but probably a little less.

    That's probably why.:)

  20. 3 grams only last me a week and thats if I don't smoke that much...:smoke:

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