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My auto Day 63 ??

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Vthizz, Jul 30, 2019.

  1. Guys.. today is day 63 and her leaves are yellowing as they should.. I cant check trichs... the buds are so purple everything looks amber.. it's so hard to tell, which really doesnt matter anyways for this 9wk germ to flower..

    I just flushed tonight...before that I was feeding about 250ppm of tiger bloom, shes never really had more than 250ppm of any combination..
    I really thought I'd be able to take her to 11 weeks.. but in the last 2 weeks she has gone from needing water every 2 days to 3 1/2 days.. 75% of pistil are browned and curled..

    Would you let her go 4 more days to get another flush out of her?


    Attached Files:

  2. This pic below was 3 days ago


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