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My aunt's strange attitude to my weed use

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by LostBegonia, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. #1 LostBegonia, Mar 19, 2023
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2023
    I have an aunt (mom's sister) who is quite unhinged in a lot of ways. Her strange behaviour has led to a rift over time between her and my entire family. She tends to ramble incoherently and lacks any self-awareness. Her opinions tend to be very self-contradicting. She is pro-marijuana and seems to really badly want me to circumvent the law by using it medicinally.

    We live in Canada, where recreational weed became legal a few years ago and is currently available to be purchased legally in both dry and edible form. I use it both medicinally (but without a prescription) and recreationally. Back when it was illegal, I didn't use it because I'm terrified to break the law. I didn't agree with it being illegal but I don't like to unnecessarily risk getting charged with a crime.

    Starting when I was a kid, I was being told by doctors that I needed treatment for things related to my autism. At 13, I was being forced to drink camomile tea to try and keep me calm. My aunt thought it would be great if I could basically stick it to them by using this to get weed and suggested I ask for medicinal weed. I didn't. I think she just wanted to me use a loophole to be allowed to break the taboo.

    In my 20s, she tried to peer-pressure me to use weed illegally. She accused me of thinking weed is evil and morally wrong. I said no, I don't think it's morally wrong at all, I just don't want to get in trouble. She couldn't seem to understand this. She couldn't seem to comprehend you can get in trouble for breaking the law. At one point she said "it's not illegal, it's only illegal cause the government says it's illegal but it's not illegal". I was like woman, that's what illegal MEANS. Apparently she thinks illegal means morally wrong.

    When weed became legal, she was against this because she doesn't want the evil government making money off of weed. Personally I'd rather the evil government make money than the evil government lock up innocent people for something that shouldn't be illegal.

    After it became legal and I started to think about using it my aunt still went "you should get it prescribed to you" I said "why should I do that if I can just buy it without a prescription?". she was like "cause it's the same thing". I was like "well if it's the same thing, why shouldn't I just get the recreational stuff?" She just really badly wanted me to circumvent the law by getting it prescribed even after there was no such law.

    On my 29th birthday, a few years after legalization, I smoked weed for the first time and text my aunt about it. She was like "does your mom know?" and I was like "do you know I'm 29?" by which I meant, it's none of my mom's business, I'm an adult. but she apparently read it as "yeah she does, go ask her". my Mom, who didn't know I was smoking weed, told my aunt that I had been joking. my aunt accused me of lying to her and not being cool enough to smoke weed. I told her that I wasn't lying and she was like "so your mom is lying?" and could not seem to comprehend when I tried to explain to her that my Mom didn't know. Imagine being 29 and your aunt trying to tattle on you for LEGAL weed use. I think she wanted me to get "in trouble" and stir up drama.

    A couple years later, I called my aunt for the first time in a long time and chatted for a while, during which I mentioned I use weed and I think she had forgotten our previous conversations. She said "you mean prescribed to you by a doctor, right?" I said no. She said " do you get it?" I told her I buy it online. She then had to remind herself it is legal now. I think she just really badly wanted me to stick it to the man by circumventing the taboo by getting it prescribed to me. I don't want it prescribed to me because I want to feel free to use it however and whenever I choose. I think she was really hoping for me to get medical marijuana so she could tell me off for being stupid and not realizing it's the same thing as using the commercial stuff she erroneously thinks I'm against.
  2. Men are from mars women are from venus
    :) I'm not sure they are even from the same continuum we are from.

  3. I'm a woman
  4. LOL got me... I know 2 family members (Both women) with strangely similar attitudes. It's something held over from the late 60s early 70s. It's a mental fixation on the whole "Screw the Man" underground wild child thing that I've witnessed but was a bit before my time.
    That is my take on it. 45 years married to the same woman and I still manage to step in it and piss her off and don't have a clue what I've done to trigger the shit storm i'm getting.


    • Like Like x 1
  5. Is there a question here? :icgreen:
  6. sounds like a sister fight to me
    as in my daughter is better than that fight and then the i told you so as of later
    she also crammed the medicinal idea at you so , if and when the gov changed it mind and they do with every new face to the head seat decided to round up all growers and smokers that havent a card and walk them down a confier belt to the meat grinder just like the wall album by pink floyd suggest .
    she wanted you to smoke just to show sis everyone has a choice but she wanted you legal
    make sense?
    • Like Like x 1
  7. If I'd waited to smoke until it was legal I'd have smoked my first bowl when I was 71. I agree with you that your aunt is unhinged, I don't think I'd be sharing much with her in the future. She sounds a bit negative.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. I think u should just smoke out ur aunt and be done with it

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