My ArtWork

Discussion in 'The Artist's Corner' started by gelatin_clones, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. #1 gelatin_clones, Sep 23, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 26, 2012
    Hi guys, i thought i should share my artwork with you guys :wave:
    it would be awesome if you share your art too :yay:
    Thanks for dropping by ... cheers:smoking:

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  2. those are all dope, where do you get your inspiration?
  3. Thanks for appreciating. Glad u liked it.
    I can say each piece has its story. For instance, The 5th sketch represents the idea of saving the last plant, with machines taking over nature.
    Few of these art were done after psychedelic experiences. M inspired by real n unreal aspects of lifE that connects various dimensions of our existence. Hope that makes sense :)
  4. Super awesome!
  5. Thanks pew.. I appreciate it :)
  6. tha angler fish is sweet. where do you get the inspiration or your stories tho? i never know what to draw or where to even start..
  7. Sick!!! Keep it up!
  8. i usually try to recreate what i experience or what i want to experience. the angler fish sketch idea came to mind after realizing that i cant swim that well. i needed an underwater transport which could be summoned immediately at times of emergency or crisis hahaha..
    i watch a lot of 'studio ghibli' kind of movies n other fantasy movies which definitely inspires me a lot n helps in creativity. m very very inspired by the forests n the sky. i think i usually draw what i know cant be practically achieved or even possible. n i take breaks if i feel empty n not so creative.
    ideas can be similar but the interpretation is one's own. so, go for it. maybe start with drawing your own emergency underwater machine ;)
  9. Goddess kali

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  10. fear within

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  11. suspection inspection:cool:

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  12. Amazing. I love the style some of these have. Keep up the great work!
  13. thanks a lot :)
  14. Always wanted to draw a mermaid. Finally i did it :D

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  15. Sometimes i feel this city life will consume me. I need to be around nature, the forests n the rivers :bongin:

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  16. I really like the third picture in your first post. Can I request a drawing by you? So I can use it as my wallpaper :)
  17. thanks, glad u liked it :)
    so, wat do u have in mind? i can definitely give it a shot
  18. the same base as this..


    only instead of a girl, can you make it a dude? Skinny, long dreads, big glasses.. Refer to my avatar for an idea of what I'm talking about :) the same background, same sitting position, only a different person
  19. These are tight. Amazing work

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