My arguments why weed isnt a gateway.....

Discussion in 'General' started by kamikazikillah, Jul 30, 2009.

  1. Ok so the other day somebody told me wed was a gateway drug.....
    I have done many drugs other than weed but i disagree
    .....heres why...

    -I drank alcohol before is smoked weed, hey i drank caffiene, even sugary drinks as a tell me how its is the weeds fault? caffiene and alcohol are drugs and i did both before i even smoked weed.

    -Most people smoke weed before doing harder drugs because we as humans are scared of what we dont understand, and weed is the easiest to handle.

    An example of this: If i am looking to buy a motorcycle and i havent ridden any before i am not going to get the fastest and most powerful thing out there.....I am going to get the entry-level, easy to controll bike. Then im sure once i become comfortable on it in the future i would get a bigger bike that now i have a better chance at being safe on.

    I just dont see how people can think weed leads to hard drugs....People just do the easiest ones first......Starting small and working thier way up.....
  2. the easy to control bike is a gateway to a more dangerous one. weed is a gateway to other things because you are not as afraid. but just like SOME people would go to the dangerous bike first, some do other hard drugs before weed. i know a chick that did a lot of coke, but never wanted to try weed. yeah, it's fucked up. also the term gateway means it opens up a gate to the possibility of trying something else, not picking you up and throwing you through that gate into drug addiction.
  3. yeah but im saying that is the only reason its a gateway drug...more of a stepping stone

    But my main thing is that i drank caffiene before i smoked weed.....i drank alcohol, i smoked cigarettes.

    How come those things arent looked at as gateway drugs then???
  4. I get your point.

    I believe if your going to do coke, heroin, meth...your going to do it with or without weed first.

    -Just like if you get bad grades and are a "pot-head", your going to get bad grades. 9 out of 10 times weed did not make you get bad grades.

    The gateway theory has slowed down thank god but... your mind is going to do one thing or another, without a substance before it.
  5. the way you explained it seemed like you made it as a gate way drug.
  6. weed has never said to me "Dude, shrooms are so cool, youll love it!"

    My friends did.
  7. The first thing i ever done, Was herb.

    Not cigs, Not alch nothing, Herb was my first 'drug' ive done.

    And it sure hasnt been like shiet i smoke weed ima do drugs now.

    But ive done plenty of drugs.

    Either way, I honestly dont give a fuck.
  8. Your thoughts really unique, some things are inevitable with weed smoke.

  9. thats kinda like the argument on the union
  10. ***** what? weed is awesome no gateway i've never seen a gate ***** say what?
  11. bullshit.

    When you smoke weed, you have to know someone else who smokes weed.

    That smoeone else who smokes is BOUND to know someone else who dosnt JUST smoke but does other shit.

    When you smoke bud, because it is illegal you often find yourself in the same environment as other illegal substances such as white and rolls
  12. the only reason why weed is a gateway is because its illegal and of the way society views it

    - when kids try weed and see that its NOTHING like what most of society makes it seem like, they are more curious to see others aswell, odds are they're lieing about that too

    -theres some weed dealers who are serious about using and might have other drugs to sell

    both of these things would be solved if society would embrace the truth instead of lieing. ones first time users see they;re lieing, why the fuck would they believe em for anything else?

    and drugs are in its whole league, there is nothing like drugs. weed is one of the most harmless/beneficials ones out there, so if someone wants to start somewhere why not weed? its not its fault its good in so many ways. if someone wants to try other drugs its because they simply want to not because weed made them.

    and thousands of kids smoke tobacco for their first time everyday, usually easily able to be stolen from parents. unless you know people its hard to get weeed.

    fuck society. fuck parents. fuck them scapegoating on weed like the nazis did on them jews. dumbass pricks
  13. 'Outlaw Mother's Milk' Says Drug Czar

    After declaring on Wednesday in Fresno that "marijuana is dangerous and has no medicinal benefit," Gil Kerlikowske, director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy said the next target will be "the biggest gateway drug of all, mother's milk."

    While ramping up efforts to ensure that no human suffering can be relieved by doctors prescribing marijuana, Kerlikowske said his office will soon begin two new initiatives: first, to outlaw breast feeding and baby formula; and then a campaign to urge teenagers to avoid marijuana by increasing their use of alcohol and tobacco.

    "It is the strong belief of the current White House Office that the Bush Administration's opposition to so-called science was well founded." Kerlikowske said. "We will soon publish evidence that gravity is a myth, water runs uphill, and hot air doesn't rise.

    "We're also reexamining dubious and ridiculous claims that the earth allegedly revolves around the sun," said Kerlikowske, known affectionately as the Drug Czar. "And, contrary to popular opinion and centuries of scientific evidence, we know the earth is flat.

    "Furthermore, the moisture some call 'rainfall' is actually God's tears."

    A reporter pointed out to the Drug Dictator that marijuana has been found to have many medicinal uses by the Institute of Medicine, American Nurses Association, American Public Health Association, American Academy of HIV Medicine, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, Lymphoma Foundation of America, and numerous other medical and scientific research organizations.

    "Poppycock and balderdash," Kerlikowske sputtered.

    "Who are you going to believe? Me, a lifetime cop, or a bunch of wimpy doctors and nurses and pantywaist scientists in frilly white lab coats?" asked Kerlikowske, who was the Seattle Police Chief before being named as Drug Despot by the president.

    "All patriotic, red-blooded Americans should ignore the medical research of the federal government and the private sector."

    Asked why the Drug Tyrant would recommend teenagers should use more alcohol and tobacco, Kerlikowske said he believes marijuana must be stamped out at any cost.

    "Yes, it's true that each year hundreds of thousands of Americans die from using alcohol and tobacco and no one has ever died of an overdose of marijuana," Kerlikowske said. "But if you factor out drunk driving auto accidents, hardly any of those dying from alcohol and tobacco are teenagers. It's mostly middle-aged and older people. And hell, they were going to die eventually anyway.

    "And yes, we will propose legislation to outlaw breast feeding and baby formula. Mother's milk and formula are both gateway drugs. It's been proven that almost all heroin, cocaine, and crystal meth addicts started out on either mother's milk or formula as babies. Formula is the methadone of baby nutrition."

    Asked about widespread efforts in many states to legalize or decriminalize marijuana and to tax it, Kerlikowske told a reporter from the Fresno Bee, "Legalization is not in the president's vocabulary, and it's not in mine."

    Kerlikowske added that other words not in his vocabulary include compassion, pain and suffering, the scientific method, and evidence.

    Don Parker: 'Outlaw Mother's Milk' Says Drug Czar
  14. Weed for me was a gateway frankly because more so than alcohol or tobacco it is more central in the culture of other drugs. This new environment i became comfortable with and eventually made me allow myself to accept new drugs.
  15. But what bothers me is that people use millions of "legal" drugs everyday...

    when you were a kid and had a headache you got childrens advil, and caffiene and all that what im basically saying is weed is looked at like a gateway drug only because its the first ILLEGAL drug most people take...

    Its like really the 20th or 30th drug ive taken.....its just all those medecins and chemicals nobody cares about and are given right out to kids and nobody ever stops to think that those might be the gateway drug to marijuana.

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