My life has been pretty good. Im 21, almost 22, I have a girlfriend and I graduated college; I have a why do I feel like absolute shit sometimes? It starts to build up after a trigger. The trigger is usually from an action or situation that has to do with my girlfriend. But she is not one to worry about. She is a nice girl, 20 years old, churchgoer, college student that treats me very well in the past 4 months weve been dating and weve yet to raise our voice at eachother even once.. The trigger can be as simple as, her going out with her girlfriends to a party for example or a comment someone made on her facebook. She hasnt actually done anything to break the trust either. I have been cheated on badly in the past but that was years ago...and since then, ive broken up with every girl ive dated. This stems from this fear I have, of being hurt. The thought of being hurt will appear in my head and grow, and I will play out scenarios of how it will be achieved. It is almost like the movie inception with planting an idea and watching it grow. I imagine it happening and I will almost believe the chance of it happening will be a high chance. It will affect my mood and make me sad. How do I overcome this snowballing thought process. It is ruining my life.
just accept that your gonna hurt man. You manage each situation the best you can in the very moment , and thats all you can do. There is no security in life, roll with it
Anxiety flows through everyone man. You just gotta let it flow dude. It will pass man. If you fight it, it will only get worse
Yeah... I always get paranoid when that same shit happens with girl friends and shit... And the facebook thing is really annoying... Especially when you see the same person over and over, such annoying deuche's or is it douches... Idk How come she never invites you to the parties with her?? Have you ever caught her in a lie? Does she seem like the type of person to cheat, or are you just getting this "worry"? Do you live on your own?
Thanks for the quick responses guys. Its just such a shitty fear.. and I can only talk to gc about it besides my gf...who will eventually get sick of hearing it. I feel like I need to burst through a invisible wall, I just dont know how. And I will not seek professional help. Edit: and I will always feel better by reading online tips on anxiety and whatever, but it always comes back to haunt me.
We went to the same college, she has 1 more year left to go. I graduated. So I go to some parties with her. I have not caught her lying I dont think she will cheat, but I visualize every girl im with, cheating. Ive seen it so much at school and in my life. I see girls cheat and lie all the time. It just makes it worse. I live with my mom and sister for now until I am financially stable to rent an apartment.
[quote name='"EASYlivin"'] We went to the same college, she has 1 more year left to go. I graduated. So I go to some parties with her. I have not caught her lying I dont think she will cheat, but I visualize every girl im with, cheating. Ive seen it so much at school and in my life. I see girls cheat and lie all the time. It just makes it worse. I live with my mom and sister for now until I am financially stable to rent an apartment.[/quote] Does she ever say where shes always tell you where she going to party at? I honestly think your good dude, things would be better if you lived on your own and had your own place. But i think your just parnoid, i get this same paranoia with all gf's.... I have no clue why.. I guess i just feel that if a guy "better" looking than me hit on her, i feel that she wouldnt be able to say no... But its honestly just all in the head, tbh. Are you guys sexualy active? And how often do you guys go out and spend time together? Zombie break down happening. Btw i think this thread should have beein in the relationships section.
We are sexually active all the time and its great. I think its all in my head. Its been good the past couple days. I think you can relate with the whole other guys hitting on her" thing. Thats pretty much what I feel like.
It IS all in your head. You have trust issues, the only thing you can do is put faith in your girlfriend that she won't hurt you.