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My all encompassing thread

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by smokinokie, Jun 28, 2002.

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  1. Hey Blades!

    Or for those of you who may be dyslexic,

    Hey Baldes!


    I\'ve been in lurking mode for awhile. With it being summertime and all that it implies, by the time in the evening my ass hits the chair, I\'m shot! Been waitin to burn until I can sit on my ass and enjoy it. So by the time I get here, I can barely read, let alone write!

    So while pondering at work today, I thought that it would be better to respond to everything that\'s goin on with my own


    So let\'s get started, shall we?

    I gotta start off with,


    Sorry I missed it, I feel like a slug. I\'m glad to see you back around here. I thought maybe I\'d chased you and Zonedude outta here! Glad that was\'nt the case! Hope you had a good \'un! It only get\'s better from here! I\'m gonna take that hit for ya now! So if the rest of this post goes to hell you\'ll know why!


    Get the mudstripe outta of those catfish and I\'ll have some with ya! Personally I\'m a crappie man myself, but if properly prepared, catfish is OK. The party hut looks BITCHIN! Explosions, alcohol, and water. The perfect combination!

    That\'s some seriously disturbed shit you have for an avatar!

    Keep up the good work!


    Darlin, all I can tell ya is you are a kind and caring soul so things are gonna work out for ya! I have chicken strips and I\'m not afraid to use them!



    No I\'m not near the fire. It\'s SUMMER for chrissakes!

    Hang in there my friend. The sun just started back toward your hemisphere a few days ago. Should be there in a few months.

    Big Poppa!

    Have a nice trip, and when picking out a souvenoir(sp?) for me, don\'t spend too much money. Something practical will do.


    How\'s it hangin brother?

    Hope things are goin a little easier for you. Peace.

    Stony, Highya, Cowboy, Colorado Wolfie?

    Have you guy\'s all been in lurking mode too?

    And to all the new folks and kids who I\'ve not had too much of a chance to converse with, Hi.

    \'Name\'s Smokinokie.

    You can call me Ethel.

    I\'ll be around more next winter.

    RMJL\'s birthday hits have worked their magic and I\'m sloooowly getting weary. I\'ve probably missed someone, but shit happens when you\'re dealing with a tired old stoner!


  2. lemme take it upon myself to say hi..and alert you to my anti foil campaign..and introduce you to fillibuster jenkins, my telemagikal squeal flute...anyway...seems like i should make a mature post yeah, ive read some of your posts about coaching and of luck with what you decide there...(maybe i was stoned one night and reading old ones and im the slug) but anyway...this is me, sending good karma, or whatever you believe in, your uhh..have a great summer :D
  3. but never far away ;)

    Hey crappie man, sounds like you\'re keepin busy, the way a good ethel should do. Keep those chicken strips nearby, ya never know when they\'ll come in handy!!

    PS: Namron, NuBBin, Kronos, you guys have been crackin me up with your posts!!! NuBBin, the ice cream man is creeping into my dreams now.........
  4. Crappie.... I don\'t eat no fish that starts off with the word CRAP. Pardon my shitty pun. I love crappie if its cooked cajun style but brim and shellcracker are better.

    Yes I checked the schedule and the Crimson Tide is travelling to Norman for their second game of the season. It is about time that some real football was played out there on the plains by the premier college program of all time. (that is if you don\'t count them irish boys from north Indiana).

    PM me an address, any address, and I\'ll send you a postcard! Other than that your getting an ashtray that says \"property of Motel Six\"

    Take care Ethel and keep your clothes on as Ray Stevens would sing!
  5. I guess since this is the all encompassing thread I should throw in that in latest news me and xero are gonna be doing shrooms for the first time tonight... I\'m at work right now counting the seconds untill 5 when we get out and embark on this new experience.... only 12,600 seconds to go.
  6. that\'s 12,599 seconds too many for me, godamnit.

    I\'m about to blast a snake right out into the open. That will scare the SHIT out of all these fuckers in their little cubes. Sure they think they are all protected and safe but BAM--ONE SNAKE AND THEY\'LL SCATTER!

    Or uh...hey.
  7. Smokie get your ass on down here! We are cooking 23 lbs of fileted crappie and 28lbs of catfish, along with a 145 lb hog on the pit and lets not forget the buffalow wings. As af right now I have at least 116 people showing up for the fourth. For the ones that can\'t make it we are having the festival filmed. Mr. Willie Nelson has a guy set up to come out and tape the whole event! Ya\'ll may get to see some of the film in one of Willies, or Meryle\'s next videos.

    What a blast we are going to have!!!

    Hey BPP guess who\'s going to be here that you desperately want to meet??????

    Ya\'ll blades and bladies have a wonderfull day!!!!
  8. lurking?..lurking...who me?
    ok, busted again.
    been awfull buisy tho too.
    summer time,summer time, sum sum summer time,...summer tiIIIiiame!
    side note here, i have finially put to words my extreme dislike to some certain types of water recreation.primarly skiing and tubing. tubing= being pulled around behind a boat at various speeds by a bunch of stupid people inside a boat laughing and trying really hard to knock you off. ok,...i hate these two things. why? well frankly you feel like BAIT. large fish bait. this may be my horrid imagination, but the more i thought about it, the more i felt like i was being used as giant fish bait, thus began the panic attack. which the idiots took as look at how much fun highyas haviing,....never again will i be trolled behind a boat for the very large very fast swimming freshwater(hehe) fish to chase after my poor dangling extremeties...oh gawd that sucked. you know how big some of those fish can get?....and you know they find dead people all over in those lakes all the time, eek my luck and ill touch one with my foot.
    lets see,...hmmm...ive become a little more social which means cooking,...who the F made up the rules about all the food one must bring when invited to someones house? all the same met some nice people, eating good grub and letting out all the seams on ma jeans :)
    its good to be back.
  9. Big fish bait eh? I can see it now! Here is highya out on a tube when JAWS comes to get her! Jaws looks at highya and sees she is a stoner, and backs off. He\'s thinking damn she got a nice booty but she\'s to damn good looking to eat! Jaws is still drewling! lol!!

    Don\'t let those guys pick on ya sweetie!
  10. Damn Highya! Don\'t ya know you\'re never supposed to panic in the water? Especially when your drowning or being used as bait? I guess it would be kind of a downer if your primary place in the food chain was bait.

    I too have retired from skiing. Tubing is still a hoot to me though. Now that they make tubes that don\'t drown you on the take-off anymore. Using old tire inner tubes, you\'d always bob under 3 times on the take off. First one was\'nt too bad. The second one you have to pull your eyelids down off your forehead. The third one you have to move your lips outta the way so you can pull your eyelids down off your forehead. Talk about brainwashing!

    I got to thinking Budhead, I can be in Tenn. in about 8 hrs. from where I\'m at. Maybe less with the radar detector. Hmmmmmmm..............

    Pops, since it\'s the middle of summer I\'m not going to take off with trash talk. But y\'all better go find Forrest and tell him to run like hell once he shows up on the plains! Football looms..........BTW, that Earnhardt thing was funny in morbid kinda way!

    Kronos and Xero,
    I wanna play! I wanna play!
    Y\'all have fun. STAY AWAY FROM THE MIRRORS!

    Namron, Anti foil? Are we talking the Gladwrap type stuff of the sword? Or maybe meesing up a supervillian\'s plans?(Curses! Foiled again?)

    Hiya Stony babe! Glad to see you still around! Thought maybe since the young\'un was gone, you\'d gone social butterfly. Hope the job\'s cuttin ya some slack!
  11. HIGH All, HIGHa when you say never again will i be trolled behind a boat for the very large very fast swimming freshwater(hehe) fish to chase after my poor dangling extremeties noboby took a picture of that so we All could enjoy *LOL*.

    Have A Great Weekend All!!!!!!!!
  12. Smokie just come on down. If it only takes you 8 hours you\'ll have the enjoyment of your life!lol

    The food is free! You just have to pay to leave. LOL
  13. not much to say here except hope your summers are all going well, it sure sounds like it! work is getting tough with many-a-lay-off, but I\'m still there & the weekends are MINE, YES, HAHAHA MINE!!!!! WOOHOOOOOOO
    erm.. ok sorry, but I do enjoy every moment of freedom from THE MAN i can get. he may enslave me for 40 hours a week, but DAMNIT THE MAN WILL NOT BRING ME DOWN!

    Have a great BBQ celebration Bud Head! OOOO and will BPP be jealous when he comes back and realizes he missed out on meeting that special someone! blaze one for those of us who can\'t make it!
  14. be warned... this post goes on a bit and may not be worth your time.

    I\'ve met more americans in person (except for when i was over in US and all the ones i\'ve met online) that were suprised to find out that we don\'t celebrate the 4th of July here... even had to explain that it was just an American thing to one of them! So USA, I beg of you stop sending your most stupid over here as tourists... you\'re getting a bad name.

    I just felt like posting a weird random reply. and since the 4th is coming up and had been mentioned in this post before i though here was as good as anyother place.

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh! I\'M GOING MAD! neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed! had a couple of tokes on a chernobyl spliff today and it was the first smoke i had in weeks... MONTHS now! it just don\'t feel right posting here this much without any smoke.

    soon... i know its coming soon... it has to. i can smell it. only two more weeks now... maybe less.... i\'m dead if it\'s longer. the doctors put me on about twice as much medication as i was on when i was still smoking... things have got worse... and continue to do so despite the extra medication... theres too many things to treat with pills... and too many differant side effects from all the differant pills... I could really use the services of a physiotherapist or chyropractor or that other one, the ortho-thingy-ist. but better than that id rather smoke some weed to get my eating and sleeping patern back to something more reasonable... daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn! i didn\'t realise this random post had turned into such a big moan.

    should probably go meditate to release some of this shit... its been a few days since i last meditated properly.

    meditation is good.

    cannabis is good.

    pills are bad.

    all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy feel trapped.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit Dead. all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.all pills and no cannabis makes Digit a dull boy.

    watch out for the dangling extremities y\'all. :D and have a nice day on the 4th and try to remember what America once meant. George Washingington was wise. George Bush IS an ass.

    sorry if i just wasted your time... i didn\'t expect u to keep reading.

    hey smoknioakie fellow baleds, good to see u.
    from one surrealist to a realist, don\'t lurk... u got opinions worth reading. :)

  15. woah Digit i think you had too much time on the computer there for a minute ;)

    we WOULD stop sending our stupid in masses your way, but come on, can\'t we have a BREAK from them once in awhile, especially in this HEAT during the summer? we send them out there to get rid of \'em for a few weeks out of the year, so our homocide rates stay lower than they would be.

    so sorry! you may have to tolerate them here & there but we deal with \'em all the time (and sometimes, i could even be considered ONE OF THEM) :)
  16. im referring to glad wrap type stuff..and aluminum cans...ive had many many many terrible experiences with aluminum..eventually ill get blazed and go off on a rant and tell my whole story in horrendously redundant detail...but for now, dont smoke aluminum
  17. ok ganjaphish. i guess i was just being selfish. ;)

  18. So, exactly what are you trying to say Digit?
  19. hes trying to say all pill and no cannabis makes digit dead.
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