My 3 week plants are leaning

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Mxlongboard, Sep 6, 2010.

  1. they're about 8 inches tall and all of them are leaning a little. Some water may have accumulated on the leaves but i don't think that's enough to make it lean, they're not on their sides but just don't look very stable. Are they in a fragile state or is something wrong?
    thanks :smoke:
  2. Is the plant really lanky and skinny looking? I imagine that this is most likely your problem. If you don't give the plant enough light when it is young it will stretch a lot reaching for more light, and get really long and skinny. If this sounds like your problem, move the light closer to try to stop the stretch
  3. get some air movement in there and toughen up that stalk/stems (fans)
    and as poster above stated make sure they are not stretching (correct light distance ):smoking:

    it is early and they are too young to be needing support (imho):hippie:
  4. haha yeah that's the thing they're outside. I guess I'll just blow on them?
  5. hmm ok well maybe a stake and twine is in order, leave some slack so as to let it toughen up and hold it self up eventually

    are they shaded a good deal of the day? stretching?

    even could use a tomato cage, they are small and can grow into it, well that is if you think it wouldnt draw to much attention to the outside grow :smoke:
  6. Ok thanks, they've started to get better... I'm in Maryland and it's getting colder here, do you think that will be a problem?

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