Ok here we go. Im doing this in coco grow. I got some sensi seeds 10 ww 10 bb and 10 Jock Horror. I saved 5 JH for god forbid. Well i waited for my sensi seeds for a month and they never came so i decide to order some BC seeds as well. Well i gues there was some kind of strike in Europe from mailman and thats why my sensiseeds were late. They came in a 4 days before the bc seeds. I saved 5 ww and 5 bb seeds also for god forbid something bad happens. Anyway my Sensi seedlings are 13 days old and my BC seedlings are 9 days old.I have 23 sensi that have sprouted and are growing and 25 bc sprouted and growing. The sensi once i got about 4-5 that are small.not gona make it. and my BC all look good so far. Im using t5s to Veg them i got 4 bulbs on each set up(1 sensi 1 bc) and im gona flower them under 1k w Sun master 150.000 lumens in a 4 by 5 feet area.How ever 1 of my BB (sensi) is not looking good, its drying out, id' say nut. burn but im noob so, what do i know.I took some photos but im not sure yet how to post them on here and i will do that soon as i find out how. They are sitting in a closet with small aircond. cooling them and keeping them on 74-79 F with the ph of 5,8-6,0 and tds 1020(my tap water is 380 tds). I have also noticed that few other BB(sensi) had a burn in the middle of the 2nd set of leaves(il show pic later). I had the nut. on 1120(minus 380=740) chart says 740-860) so i droped down a lil bit in hope they will str8ing up and heal. O ye as soon as i sew that brun in the leaf i flushed the hell out of them with ph-ed water and let them dry for about 2 days before i fed them again with the lower Nut. ok i think i just found out how to post pic so il do that right away. O yes Any info or sugestion or criticts is more than welcome and appriciated, and sorry for my misspels. tnx Nodi
I don't know anything about coco growing, so sorry, can't give any advice. But 150,000 lumens, wow ! Nice setup you have. Should be some huge buds when you're done ! You have some very nice seeds (and pricey) to work with also. Good luck with your grow.
tnx Greeny Ye the Bc seeds also hooked me up with 5 fem. buhda seeds wich are looking awsom atm I just finished feeding them been 10 days since i put them into coco from paper towel. here is them today
the burned baby(first 4 pics above) is doing much better. New leaves are popin and looking good so far im hopin she will survive also. And for the thread viewers feel free to drop a line of ur opinion.
k its been a week or 8 days since last photos. My babys are doing good, id say beside from few(nut burned leafs i think) everything is doing great. My flowering room is almoust ready. I will have about 5 feet from the tray to the glass from my light(in flowrering room. So i dont want my babys geting 2tall in veggin.Il post some pics tomorow. The older onces are at day 22 veggin from when i put the seeds in coco. Next Sat. they are going into flowring while il leave the younges once for another wek in vegg.My burned leafs are on Bug bud. Iv heard and read that this strain can be abused and beaten and still give the best results, But so far it has only showen to be the weakest strain in my grow. I have 4 strains Jock Horror, WW, Budha nd' BB. All of them are looking prety, esspecialy WW and Budha. But BB is showing leaf burn in the middle of the leaf.s Il post pic tomorow so maybe some1 can tell me what they think it is.. PZ
thnx loud. got ,some updated pics. first once is the young once at 18 or 19 days from seed crack and than my older once wich are like 5-6 days older than the young once, and my flowring room almoust finished.