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My 1st half o

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Fullmetal20, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. 1st half o of mids, 50 bucks scaled at 14.3 grams,was 45 but guy delivered, here some pics :]

  2. sorry if the pics were to big, forgot to edit >.>
  3. :thumbsup:

    you are going to get high.
  4. I wish weed was that cheap where I lived......with my shitty connects here in western NYthis will probably cost closer to $100
  5. Me too. Your half ounce in the US for 45 is like me paying £30 for half ounce, and if I could do that, I'd be very happy.

    Theres a few stems and seeds, but it was just over the weight, and cheap as chips.

    What will be your smoking method of choice?
  6. just toked 4-3 bowl with my home made water bong and lil pen pipe thingy :]

    just toked 4-3 bowl with my home made water bong and lil pen pipe thingy :]

  7. Nice mids! That whould cost 60-70bucks here. enjoy:smoking:
  8. thats bullshit down here a zip of mids costs 50 bills
  9. Fuck thats cheap, last time I bought a half O it was $80. I was shocked. I usually buy quarters @ $30.
  10. not bad man, but try to post it in stash jar man
  11. i got half o of mids for 110 =[
  12. Roll up a 'rillo and chief that shit. :smoking:
  13. hehe im working on a stashjar
  14. This makes me sad because i just got back from copping a half o of Hashplant for $120 :( That's standard here though. Nice pickup man.
  15. Yes!!! Homemade shit all the way! I loved those days..but now it's glass for me.
  16. heh yup :]
    not only are you smokinhg marijiuana but your smoking your acomplshment

    ......hope that sounded cool, i'm:smoking:
  17. God damn, wish shit was that cheap here. 1/2 o of mids here is like $120, probably more.

    Enjoy your awesome prices lol!
  18. Dude what part of Florida you are gettig me excited lol
  19. Damn man that's a good as deal right there.
    Enjoy man :smoking:
  20. Can't complain at those prices. For 50 bucks you got a good deal. Just seems like it is going to be a bitch to take out those stems and seeds but a half o can last you at least 20 regular blunts.

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