MW3 Weed Leaf Emblem?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by xJord4n, Nov 15, 2011.

  1. Just got this awesome emblem and callsign. The callsign says "What The?" with two mustachio cats at either sides. Apparently the requirements are.. shoot an explosive through a wall and kill an enemy. xD I never thought I would replace my All pro callsign, but damn i just did. the All Pro was 2+headshots with 1 bullet.
  2. easiest way to get it is with c4 and noob tube. shoot your (or their) C4 with the noob tube when you see them to make sure that kills them.

    i dont know how i got it, but i didnt do this. i must be some kinda boss :3
  3. Easiest way to get it is to throw c4 near someone then throw the EMP grenade near them. Worked almost 1st time for me.

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