MUST WATCH VIDEO - Never Get Busted

Discussion in 'Security' started by jordiebsocal, Jul 2, 2013.

  1. Barry is a good guy he is also on the new movie " How to make money selling drugs " great movie title a bit deceptive.
  2. Good video series from the man himself. Fairly emotional as well tbh. I find it amusing how the news anchors are the ones spreading the false propaganda and they don't even know it yet they're fighting for the war on drugs. Oh goodness, wake up.
  3. One thing that really bugged me about Barry's advice ..................give them consent to search and hide well or don't bring at all bad advice so here is the update, in case you haven't read
    Scott Morgan goes on to recommend a few changes to Cooper's advice, which I'll condense here:
    <blockquote>1. Be aware that consenting to a search means that you're waiving your 4th Amendment protection against unreasonable searches and seizures. If anything illegal is found after you've consented to a search, there will be very little your attorney can do for you.
    2. If an officer asks to search and you have private items that are not well hidden, always REFUSE consent.
    3. If you've got nothing to hide, always refuse the search. You've got nothing to lose.
    4. If you find it necessary to refuse a search for the reasons listed above, calmly state the following: “Officer I don't consent to any searches. Am I free to go?”…If the officer says you may leave, depart immediately regardless of anything else he says.
    </blockquote>Cooper responds in a comment that he agrees with all four points.
  4. Nice vid. i cant believe how big of a joke fox news is.
    im confused why they even had barry on the show if they didnt want to hear
    anything he had to say, with the exception if the last guy who was agreeing

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