muslim tokers

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by rhonin, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Are there any other muslim tokers out there? I'm one of them.
  2. What you got under that there puffy jacket sir?
  3. im a infadel pot smoker,,,

    does that count ?:cool:
  4. #4 hippie flip, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    i'm not a muslim but i had a muslim friend at school and would offer him weed and he would refuse and say it was forbidden or something but yet he smoked so many cigs which i thought was so dumb.

    but i have met other muslims that smoke weed. from my understanding there is no actual mention of cannabis in the quran, just alcohol and "intoxicants."
  5. Mmmmm im so hungry.
    I think im going to cook some chicken :smoke:

  6. thats '' blasphemy....

    you got one of the coolest sigs/ username,, on the whole city,,,:cool:

    i said ,, '' one of the ''

    none can come close to '' CHICKEN''<----------:cool:

  7. lol!!!!!
  8. Checking in.

  9. Yea to a lot of muslims, weed is a complete taboo but a lot of them love the cancer sticks. I personally hate it and don't feel like going through chemotherapy, I'd rather smoke something that makes me feel amazing and is amazing for you mind, body, and soul :smoke:.

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