What do you think about having a radio or something like that in your growbox/growroom? I've always heard that plants respond well to music and singing and talking to them etc....how about having a little radio working 24/7 in the growbox? Think it would help? Opinions?
I'm not suggesting a type of music so much as asking if anyone thinks it would make a difference. I suppose a local radio station would be my choice since I wouldn't be in the growbox listening....maybe top 40?
No one has any opinion about this? I'm just looking for things that might improve plant morale and therefore make them do better.
i think its more for difficult to grow plants... and I believe the style would be classical music. I got no experience with this.
You know what's funny back in high school someone did this as a science experiment. Each plant tuned to a different genre of music. I remember something like the plant with the Rock and Rap music died and the Classical grew the best. Not an accurate experiment but interesting.
I suppose I mostly want to know if music has proven to help or not when it comes to growing stickyicky. I'd be down with a couple of little radios if it helps but I don't suppose anyone really knows one way or the other.
Remember Cheech and Chong Nice Dreams? Jimmy, the pot grower, always has classical music playing in the grow tent.
The Myth Busters did a show on this testing plants and their reaction to humans and such. Unfortunately I do not remember the results, but interesting nonetheless.