Music added to a grow room?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by CSn0w, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. there isnt much scientific backing to my theory, but since every living thing is effected by vibes from the world around it. i remember hearing something about plants being effected by music on some level, so my theory is Cypress hill in my growroom going 24/7 = Dank buds. sorry im really blitzed right now, seems like a good idea, probably wont tomorrow though.
  2. it was cool to watch on mythbusters. why dont you save your money on electricity and spend it on something else?

  3. i didnt see it on mythbusters, i remember reading it in some respected magazine.
  4. I sawl this in a grow room that Jorge cervantes was checking out in high times a couple months back. The grower played classical music almost 24/7 i guess it must of had some positive effect.
  5. Its worth a shot. I would go with something with less yelling though. Maybe something a little slower. Yelling at your plants about how insane in the membrane you are might not be as beneficial. But what would I give it a try. Im just saying consider something else for your tunes. Like wdissident said, Your money maybe better spent on electricity for something like an AC unit or more lighting or something.
  6. my buddy has a series of meditation music that is like 85 hours long. he keeps it on repeat in his grow room haha

    he grows dank bud though, the music might help. idk though

  7. Playing music is not going to use much electricity at all! WTF. Instead AC? Again WTF? That uses waaaaaaay more than a music player or some speakers. I didn't know people were so cheap.

  8. There are far more benfits to using an AC unit in your grow room than a radio. its a fact!
  9. if i remember on mythbusters the heavy metal had the best efects on the plants!!!!!
  10. playing music will have minimal effect if any, im sure the metal they used was simply vibrating the plants causing better airflow and co2 exchange.

    if anything SINGING or talking to your plants could in theory have a positive effect on your plants as you creating additional co2 for them to thrive on... or you could just add a co2 tank.

  11. :hello::smoke:

  12. im thinking dubstep, mainly because of the Bass with my speakers will really bump. plus, im always high and always listening to it.

  13. i blew my speakers listening to rusko-woo boost. dammit

  14. yeah, that song really beats, really grimmy with the slurs,
  15. I use a Homedics sound spa on the rain forest setting for the high frequency bird song that has been shown to increase stomata dialation and plant respiration rates.

    I don't care if it works. Sounds like a fraking jungle in there. Looks like one too. I need some monkeys.

  16. lmao.

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