mushroom questions

Discussion in 'General' started by ludivicomethod, Aug 17, 2005.

  1. hey, i got some questions about this[​IMG] mushroom grow kit: (click the pict for info)
    1, the area i want to grow this is next to the air coditioner (AC) would that pose as a problem for the kit?
    2, the kit also states that "a sterile environment is absolutely vital to the success of your harvest" i believe that the area i wish to grow this has an above normal mold spore count, due to the fact that where i live avrages a 30,000 spore count witch is high. (like me) would that pose as a threat to a harvest?
    3, is it completly nessary to not have any direct sunlight on the kit? is there an ammount that wont compromise the harvest?
    4, will the first harvest be sutible for getting "loco" on? or will i have to let a few generations grow before i can trip off it?
    5, in step 3 it says to wrap the box with "transparent foil" is this that same as plactic wrap? because i dont know of transparent foil.
    6, i also have a problem with a few incests and arachnids, if there were to walk in my "jungle" would that compromise the havrvest?
    i think thats all the questions. and im sorry this is in the "hey whats up, look at this ha ha im high" general zone but i dont know where to post this. i hope to get some answeres soon so i can purchas this kit. happy somking :smoke:

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