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mushroom kits, timeframe,and yield?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by p_dj, Sep 19, 2007.

  1. hi , im thinking about getting a mushroom kit from a head shop and im wondering if anyone has done this, and how long it takes to run a cycle, also the yield if availible- i know that they are deff potent because i have eaten shrooms from these kits before. any info welcome- peas;)
  2. thank you for the quick reply and pointing me in the right direction, i am aware that growing shrooms and cannabis are two diff things but im sure i can pull it off, hopefully......:rolleyes:
  3. my avitar used to gro shrooms...

    you have to be VERY careful, VERY sterile..

    its not hard, just make sure you pay alot of attention to cleanness.

    i have full confidence in you. you should mail me some when your done, :D
  4. i grew shrooms before i grew mj, and i'd agree shrooms are a alot harder to grow. getting them to fruit needs even more perfect conditions than any cannabis plant will ever need. but just like growing mj, once you get the hang of it, you'll be like "damn this is easy, why didn't i understand it before"
  5. my friend has grown like two or three batches of shrooms since about last december (grows off and on) and now he has his own apt to do it and he has a nice set up he made himself and still has problems so it isnt one of the easiest but i heard with the kits its a lot easier
  6. thx for the replies guys, I figure ill get my feet wet with a kit and move on from there if all goes well- also thx for the links they will be helpful im sure! :D
  7. Anyone know where to get some good spore prints or syringes? The place I used to get them from got busted. Damn DEA.....
  8. If you follow the directions with the kit and keep clean, it's very, very easy. Once you get the hang of it it's alot cheaper to buy the stuff seperately, way more bang for your buck.

    Since is no longer supplying spores I've switched to, and so far I've had no problems with them. There are also lots of spore rings around the net, with people willing to send you prints of their strains with the promise you will supply some prints of your own in the future.

    As for time you can be cutting your first flush in as little as 4 or 5 weeks if your kit comes with ready to go mycelium. If you need to start with your own spores add another 2 to 4 weeks on to that.
  9. Try the golden mammoth strain from
    always good quality spore syringes from my experience.
  10. I would reccomend the MYG Mega You Grow Mushroom kits.
    Make sure you get it from though because they are the only ones that carry the original kit which is the best.
  11. I assuming youll be using cakes for a begining...I have 2 kits and 4 syringes,...but have not gotten started because i dont have a pressure cooker...what a waste huh, Ill be investing in one shortly...

    but i got 12 1/2 pint jars that came with my kits...they just need PC'ed...I assume that after I buy a 100$ pressure cooker, 3g' dry per cake will have me break even with my costs, I assume I could even get double or more than that, but like i said im not experienced.
  12. I like the MYG Kit from the best. No need for cakes and way more yield than anything else I have tried. I found mushroom kit on the web doing a few searches and I have been very happy with the results.

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