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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by since93, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. after smoking for a long time i dont get munchies anymore...guess the body changes idk
  2. Wow man... id hate that. Eating while high is awesome.
  3. I can ignore the munchies if i am not truly hungry. If i havent eaten all day then i go insane and drive 90 down side streets to get to burger king.
  4. thats actually how it started...with ignoring...then the cravings just ceased...then again i do shit when high (no indica for me) so maybe thats why idk...
  5. Its good if you don't get the munchies, but still i would toke before eating just because it tastes so much better.
  6. oh im totally with you there...hell, EVERYTHING tastes and feels better when stoned imo...:smoke:

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