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Munchies Stealing Your High?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by SantaFknClaus, Sep 6, 2008.

  1. I've been smoking for a couple years now..
    but only in the last few months i've come to realise how much going on a munch fest really does detract from your high.

    its all good when you come in blazed and prepare a feast.. everything tastes amazing even if its not even that nice when youre sober.. then when youve finished the munch session, 20 minutes goes by and its like.. huh? the landing gear comes down and before you know it youve only got a mild buzz going.. just like a nicotine buzz or a slight tipsy feeling, when you know.. if you hadnt had any munch youd still be flying for like an hour at least..

    basically i wanna understand the science behind this, and munchies in general.

    im not looking for like "eat fruit instead dude" or "eat before you smoke then you wont have munchies as bad" .. i just wanna understand why something as simple as eating can bring your high crashing to the ground.

    i hope someone can shed some light on this
    thanks for reading :)
  2. Your stomach is an organ, and organs require blood to function. When you eat hella, allot of blood goes to your stomach to work on digesting all that food, and with allot of the blood going to your stomach it takes away your high.
    If I am at home just blazin and chillin all day I usually drink allot like water and like half a gallon of gatorade.
  3. that makes sense dude thanks,

    but why would blood going to your stomach affect your high in such a drastic way.. like.. kill it off for good?

    the only link i could think of is like, if blood is needed to go to your stomach - it could mean theres less blood available for the brain, and therefore you process things at a slower rate and the high is dumbed down in a major way.

    anywhere close?

  4. Personally, i generally get the munchies towards the end of my high a little before i start coming down. So when i start to munch out, i dont think the loss of my high really has anything to do with food. I've never really experience food 'stealing' my high. Maybe ill try this out later today and see what happens.
  5. My theory partly goes with cannabis. When you run while high does it go down? yes because you have muscles and organs working. When you eat a ton your body has to go work and go hard to get the food digested before the next body food clock hits i.e breakfast lunch dinner. So all the hard work in your stomach brings the high down slightly. HOLAY ive ranted so much, i lost the train haha owell i think yous get it.
  6. haha dude, that wasnt exactly a huge rant... that was like a paragraph...
  7. man, that makes sense to me, that the blood loss would affect the high. I usually get high and then exercise in the morning and by then, I'm usually straight enough to go to work! I wonder if it would be any difference between indicas and sativas?

  8. someones been smokin.....ha
    that cracks me up man..hahah
  9. I know a very reasonable explanation but I'm having a memory lapse so I can't explain it correctly right now, I'll have to come back to this...

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