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Multiple Sclerosis and Edibles

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by SmokeyMcPot 420, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. i was wondering if edibles would be better for a patient with M.S.?
  2. Yes and no. Yes, because there would be no inhaling. No, because it's harder to titrate your does through edibles than through smoking.
  3. If it is physically hard to smoke, I would say that's a good idea. Just remember that it takes a while for edibles to be digested and for the cannabinoids to go into your blood system. Ate a brownie the other day, took about an hour and a half. There has to be some way to speed it up though. Lasts for a good while too.
  4. you could always go with a tincture. They kick in a little faster than butter or oil based edibles.

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