What are the pros and con about multiple filtration such as in the quality of smoke. Does too much water filtration Take away flavor?
the more of the impurities get taken out of the smoke, cools it down and makes it smoother on your lungs. idk about too much i havnt encountered that yet
Some people say that THC is only partially water soluble and so even with amounts removed being trace it's not to say that it takes no toll on the smoke. Smoke can be trapped in water quite well compared to THC. (see cooking item "liquid smoke") So I'm sure you're getting more of both the good and bad out in some ways by using a ton of water. Just be sure the increased water pressure doesn't volcano your buddha out the bowl, as this is an honest tragic mistake .
This is true, or at least it is for the most part. Organic liquid smoke or "old-fashioned" liquid smoke (thought I feel the stuff is too new to have and old-fashioned counterpart) is made by heating mesquite, hickory, and oak slowly over a hot plate, to the point of smoking but not to the point of combustion. The smoke then travels through some chemists' glass tubing and is bubbled through purified water. Sadly it was invented solely for the impatient and lazy, then after the fact artificial "mesquite flavor" was thrown in, sorry if I come off as snappy in my explanation. Anyway, that's aside the point; Frankly I think that more filtration has some good tradeoffs like a potential for much cooler smoke and possibly less harsh hits.