Multi Strain MMJ Grow

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by angusbeef, Aug 12, 2012.

  1. #1 angusbeef, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2012
    Little bit of a late start but I think it'll be a swell MMJ garden none the less.

    Plants( GDP, Hammerhead, bag seed special)
    Seedlings(Moby Dick, Superbud, AK47, Easy sativa)
    Day 18
    Day 25

    A weeks growth..
    GDP(One weeks growth)
    Hammerhead(one weeks growth)
  2. grasias amigo:smoking:
  3. Nice plants how long you had them going for? Got any flowering yet?
  4. damm they look so healthy what are you feeding them
  5. The mature plants have sexed already...

    GDP was starting to form calyx as a gift..dug right out of the ground..:eek:. Most of those died but it's had a good week..

    Hammerhead was a gift out of an indoor closet.

    BSS has a pretty full was in soil and a 3.5 gallon bucket getting feed miracle grow before it was rescued to coco and a smart pot. It's quadrupled in size the last three weeks.
  6. #7 angusbeef, Aug 12, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 12, 2012
    Canna A & B
    Cal Mag
    Liquid Karma
    Vegan plant booster

    There's a few things i'd like to add to that..
  7. GDP

    Seedlings..had a rough week..the shelf they were sitting on was knocked over and they were all uprooted/replanted. Meh. Getting 24 hours of light for the next two weeks to shoot for a halloween harvest at 8 weeks flower.
  8. #9 angusbeef, Aug 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2012
    Fimmed the seedlings and pulled two males(bag seed) earlier in the week. Flushed them all today.

    (Moby Dick is beasting it)

    (Easy sativa, super bud, bss2)

    (MD, MD...appears like both phenos and ak47 growin all retarded)



  9. how do you like moby cause i was thinking of using it?
  10. So far so good it is quite astonishingly outpacing the others as you can see. Almost makes a person paranoid about a male plant but they had adequate time to show sex b4 the 24/0 current veg cycle so just pretty damned stokked about the rigorous growth. Will defiantly be keeping this strain alive.
  11. moby dick rocks;)...cross it with your gdp and call it purple dick:D..lookin' good beefer;)
  12. Huge plants, how many weeks are they in the last couple of pictures?

    What nutrients are you using?
  13. #14 angusbeef, Aug 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 27, 2012
    grand daddy purple dick hahaha

    :wave: deac welcome back to the city fayn been lookin for ya...

    Farmer, read above..n
    The last pics would be day 40 from seed approx..
  14. Plants are looking good man! supper stoked to see buds on all the plants!

    Happy smokin and growin!
  15. Nice plants and can vouch for moby dick especially the dinafem version its a great strain knocks you on your ass and grows amazing as you can see. Good job keep it up.
  16. Hey thanks for stoppin by brosef...i've saw some your photos from surfin' round the 2012 challenge ya defiantly got it goin on.

  17. Another week, another update.

    Girls have made the transition well.

    May have changed the plan for the "seedlings" which are now about clone least have another option..

    What do you think GC? Either move em outside to flower now or further 24/0 indoor/outdoor veg and just finish indoor under 1400 watts.. WA blades... What would ya'll do? How well of a finish do ya figger we should/could we be expecting letting these start flowering now outdoor?

    Moby Dick(2), BBS #2
    Easy sativa, Ak-47, superbud
  18. Looks good my man. Healthy girls. They look like they are starting to flower nicely. If you have the ability to move them inside, I would wait until it's 12/12 outside. I think that's somewhere around 3rd week in september. You will have to figure that one our for yourself. At least at that point, the girls will be that much further along and you don't have to worry about the frost killing them outside. Hell, I wish I could bring my girls inside at the end of september. Good luck man.
  19. Any new pics Angus?

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