muddy waters on itunes..

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by DAVlD, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. 50 songs from one of the king of blues.. only 5.99$ encase any of you were wondering :hello::D

  2. I'll be purchasing this very soon!
  3. whats the name of the album?
  4. Looks like it's "The Essence Of Muddy Waters."
  5. :hello: aaah so cool to see someone on this site actually listenin to the BLUES :cool:

    and hardcore blues at that.....alright! :smoke:
  6. I just bought Muddy Waters Essential Blues Anthems on Itunes.
    94 tracks for $3.99.
  7. i love the blues :cool:
  8. there's something about the blues that i just can't help but love.
  9. playing some good ol acoustic blues is the best remedy for anything
  10. i'd say it's somewhat nostalgic.

    but i can always just see myself sittin in a bayou,smokin some pipe tobacco and of course some herb,maybe some whiskey and singing with a few homies.

    it would be cool if we grew up that way i guess but kind of weird if we didn't hahahaha.

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