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Much needed help/advice.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by jeaaa, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. After being clean for about a month, I caved and took 1 hit off a bong.
    If I get pulled in for a UA, will it show up?
    And what should I be doing to get clean as fast as possible?
  2. #2 jeaaa, Jan 23, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 23, 2010
    if it helps: i'm about 165, very little fat, excercise 6 days a week, and eat healthy.
  3. Drink a bunch of water. i've heard of people passing DTs after 3 days just from drinking alot of water. helps that you have no fat
  4. you should be good if you drink lots of water over the next couple days. 1 hit wont take long at all to leave your system.
  5. green tea got me clean in 10 day's with heavy smoking 1g a day.
  6. bump
    if it helps I haven't smoked since the original post.
    Am I solid?
  7. If it was only one hit and you haven't smoked in a while, you've got nothing to worry about. If it even sticks around in your system it'll be gone in a two or three days, especially if you exercise

  8. Dude, you were cool like 6 days ago. :p
    For next time, buy a bottle of Niacin. It's great.
  9. ive actually passed within 2 days. toked on a tuesday got tested on a thursday and i only pissed the minimum amout. drank alot of water. my aunt used to drink 1 beer a few hours before and one beer right before and she passed tests. or u could also tell them u took nyquil the night before and they cant test you. i know the last one worked like 5 years ago:/
  10. I think you're good bro. It was only one hit, and your fit. Best of luck.
  11. 1 hit im sure your fine. Dont take my advice though, drink cranberry juice and water.
  12. well there are a few big questions. If you've passed one before this you probably don't need to worry, but thc can stay in your system for up to two months if you used to smoke everyday, and in my experience it seems that if you smoked hardcore then get clean, it can still affect you within that two month period, but this is just more of my opinion. One toke however shouldn't do anything for three days, but within that time frame your papillia on your tongue will be raised and it will be in your blood stream. In that case your only chance is to drink enough water before your test to dilute it enough to pass. Also remember that thc is caught in fat cells so exercise can speed up the process, but exercise in a small time frame before the test can make it worse because your body is flushing out more thc.

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