Whats up GC, As the headline states ill be growing a seed of my own cross breeding experiment and a SSC Platinum Collection Super Lemon Haze i ordered from the single seed center. Both plants will be in 15 gallon fabric pots with black magic soil and extra perlite added for drainage. My strain was started a few weeks before the super lemon haze but both seem to be doing fine, the larger of the plants is my strain and the smaller being the super lemon haze. Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Fabric pot are a great way to control the environment outside. They come in many sizes. Their inexpensive. If you are growing in an area where the soil and the ground does not have good drainage they are a great way to avid all that. Plants won't get root bound in fabric pots. I grow in any where from 100-300 gallons pots and yield 2-5 pounds of killer buds from each plant depending on the pot size. I easily pull 2-3 pound from 100 gallon pots.
Lol the larger of the plants has shown pre-flowers and the SLH is a feminized seed. Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Personally i like the fabric pots ive used the basic black plastic pots, bag pots, and growing in the ground and have found that the black pots got too hot for the roots to grow completely, the bag pot i didnt have much problems with as they are extremely affordable and have a good selection of sizes, and in ground i like but keeps me from moving my plants around when i do yard work. Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Update! Watered with normal tap water yesterday Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Update! So far my strain has been growing at a pretty good pace and the SLH seems to be taking her time growing but im in no rush i want her to do her thing i also caught a small preying mantis and let it loose on my plant look closely on the stem to see the lil fella lol Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
After going through this post i realized that i gave absolutely zero info on my strain, although this is the first seed ive popped from my crossbreeding project i dont really know much of how it'll flower or smoke; the strain herself was created by crossing a B.C. Big Bud male with a clone of a feminized Pakistan Valley about 2 or 3 grows ago in a 2x2x4 grow tent under 2 300w galaxyhydro led grow lights... P.S. anyone curious as to whether or not LEDs can be used to breed and grow seeds the answer is YES! Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Didnt think about that but good call out keeping my fingers crossed she does good. Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I suppose the issue of transplant shock - the seedling's early exposure to sunlight - will be the telling factor.
Watered the ladies yesterday with the humboldt nutrients micro, grow, and verde they seem to like it so far no nute burn or anything like that. Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Morning update The SLH is finally showing a little growth! Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Hot summer update! Fed both plants yesterday with the humboldt nutrients lineup 3 gal went to my strain and 2 gal went to the SLH Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Watered today and removed some dying leaves from the larger plant Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
It seems like the Super Lemon Haze has been on a growth spurt lately, shes still small but healthy and the crossbreed is doing great as well. Hopefully both do good in flower i cant wait. Sent from my SM-T350 using Grasscity Forum mobile app