High People I have just decided to make a thread for my stuff as I am an artist that does most things, poetry, writing, drawing, photograpy, music and others. Feel free to comment or crit (sorry for the large burst of content but just putting stuff i like on, then will update as I do it.) Dubstep Background Random Tribals Photography Wall Collage (My Photgraphy on my wall) Poetry The Stoned That Wasn't Murder I'll put a filter on your face, that'll turn your mouth to a dry waste land. The kind that gives mary janes warm embrace, like herbs and spices, never bland. The flavour gets you flying. She'll kiss you on the lips, then kiss you in the soul, that laughter feeling always slips; for this there is no toll. You smile, because you miss her. I'll put a bit of bud in your hand, The grassy taste, that makes it tiring to stand. The kind you'll never waste; The stoned that wasn't murder. And like Bob Marley once said; Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, Don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, Mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live! Purple Haze In Silence, I see. The World, shake. this Room, quake. and hallucinogenic lights flash. Now I've finished my stash, cause in this place I can't forget I cannot remember who you were, or if it even matters. There's a tunnel in my head and I'm going deeper in , you can't keep her away, against your own will, still her mysterious flavour lingers on an exquisite kiss I wish; you, weren't gone. There's a valley in my mind on the outside, I'm blind but on the inside, you made me see; The River, the ocean, a Reflection of Me. It's not romantic lust nor that longing feeling; It's more than meaning, more like desire, the craving; that intense sensation of a burning fire, a craving to get even higher. There's a Rainbow in my Soul. and I'm singing out loud, I can't believe I've found, A beautiful green smile, you; just a little more fun with you, Another kiss, one more whiff of you. I'm flying, Now I'm, gone My Soul's detached, Take a step back, Watch whats left of me, dance; this empty shell of a human body in a trace, you metaphorically rid me of my sanity, you shattered my vanity and all my inhibitions too, but isnt this is how it all started? This magical daze, A pull and a puff of you, the magnificent Purple Haze.