mr smiley

Discussion in 'General' started by PapaPete, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. can you get high from eating/baking mr.smiley
  2. No but you can get stupid drunk with bleach.
  3. #3 jamesh, Jan 29, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 29, 2011
    I'm not sure. All I know is Mrs. Smiley is great in bed.
  4. Huff Raid, shit will get you so high.
  5. quit giving me bs responses
  6. Quit asking BS questions
  7. Sniff on some butane throughout the day for a steady clean high way better than bud but not as healthy as crack
  8. I dont think he would like that very much. Is he jewish or something?

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