Moving to Colorado in a month...Mixed feelings.

Discussion in 'General' started by Pauly420, Aug 7, 2011.

  1. So I have been anticipating this move for a while now. I am moving out to the Ft. Collins area with my mom for a few months untill i can get on my feet and get a place of my own.

    I am just scared becuase I wont know anyone or anything...But most of all I wont have a job for monetary support. I am planning to quit smoking bud for a while so i can drop clean for what ever new job im going to get. I was just looking for some advice and a place to vent about moving and stuff... If anyone has any advice they could give me that would be great.
  2. Be open minded and try to seize every opportunity that is offered to you! Be real, honest, genuine and you will be find, meet new friends and enjoy your new home!
  3. I appreciate that man! This was an opportunity that I was presented with a few months ago, and thought i would take it just to see where life took me and so that im not in complete control even though i still am! Im excited! But sad because im going to miss my good friends
  4. Are you going there for school? If so I'd definitely try to take out student loans; its really hard to live on your own with an entry level job.
  5. 1. i'll be your friend
    2. i'll show you around
    3. there are plenty of restaurants and other stores to get a job at, while you get on your feet.. don't worry :)
  6. Ya dude fort Collins is actually pretty nice. Go snowboarding/ camping that is fun in the Rockies.

  7. Hell ya man I love snowboarding and camping that's one of the main reasons I wanted to move out there!

    Idea really appreciate that man! I was out there for a week this month and loved it!

    Im gonna wait a year before going to school out there so o can get in state!

  8. Hell ya man I love snowboarding and camping that's one of the main reasons I wanted to move out there!

    Idea really appreciate that man! I was out there for a week this month and loved it!

    Im gonna wait a year before going to school out there so o can get in state!

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