So my school offred me an oppurtunity to go to anywhere across the nation to study for a year or semester and I was leaning more towards Cali because I am not sure how good the schools are in Cali because I'm from the East coast. I can chose from Humboldt Sonoma or Cali State University at Chico, Bakersfield, East Bay, L.A, Monterey Bay, San Bernardino. Any thoughts?
Chico's a pretty big party school, so if youre interested in that type of scene, then I'd recommend that. My brother went to CSU Bakersfield, although im not sure how, he enjoyed it. Bakersfield is country like, lots oh hicks / cows and hard drugs. Dunno much about the others..
Definitely not Bakersfield, LA, or San Bernardino. Bakersfield is stuck in a valley in the middle of nowhere. They have some of the worst air quality in the country, it gets like 110 degrees in the summer and really cold in the winter. LA is kinda in the ghetto, I think it would be really shitty to live around that campus. San Bernardino is kinda like Bakersfield except it's also pretty much the meth lab capital of the country. Humboldt and Chico are in northern California, good scene for weed and stuff but pretty quiet as a party town and stuff. They would be fun if you like outdoors stuff, the Redwood forests are amazing. Sonoma and East Bay are in the San Francisco area, which is awesome if you're into big cities. Monterey is a really cool place, I think it's a really small school though.
Advice. Don't move ANYWHERE because of the bud situation whether good or bad. At any school in the US you should be able to find bud fairly easily. Its not hard. Go to a school that is nice and that you may have friends at. You'll enjoy it more. Personally i would go somewhere in colorado. Apparently the country is beautiful and there are some great slopes there.
Probably partied a lot. The college aged people there are really cool but that city really is a shitty place to live.
In east Bakersfield, yes. There are streets you definitely don't want to walk down at night. San Bernardino is worse though.
top choices. chico if you wana get drunk, humboldt if you wana smoke, monterey is pretty nice but i prefer santa cruz about 45 mins north. ive lived in cali my whole life and been to every city on that list, defintely dont go to san bernadino or bakersfield, youd hate it
honestly the whole California coast is awesome. shit, the whole Pacific coast is awesome. I've lived in Cali for 21 years... if I had to pick somewhere to live it would come down to: -Santa Cruz -Yosemite -San Francisco -Chico (love the vibes, love the bike path, love all the trees- don't love all the bro's.) -West LA (the coast from Malibu to Redondo) -Santa Barbara -Humboldt is beautiful (but they have notoriously unattractive women) -San Diego -and from what I've seen, wine country is stunning edit: yo how 'bout Hawaii? I was just there and saw a beautiful lot right near the ocean for 240k. It had 12 macadamia nut trees, and more banana trees than I could count. Don't sleep on the big island!
I've lived in California my entire life - and here's my suggestion... DO NOT MOVE HERE. Seriously, our economy is in the shitter, there's no jobs and prices are way way too high. Give us about a decade to recover from the shitty jobs that our last five or six governors have done. And yes, I'm dead serious. Hell I wish people would leave the state, that might get our politicians off their arses and actually do something. But I was born here, as was my wife and my daughter, so I'm not going anywhere. Oh and Chico is a TOTAL PARTY TOWN. As is San Diego.
I live in the sonoma area, and sonoma state is actually about 15 minutes from my house. Pretty good school has great classes. Sister went to Monterey Bay and it was cool but very cold most of the time and the water isn't too warm. Also lots of weirdo's out there. Cal State is a super popular school and you'll find plenty of preps and nerds and such.
Good looks on the info ill probally break it down between Chico, Humboldt, and Sonoma but definitely am gonna have to come visit befire I make the decision.
You're honestly only gonna wanna go to chico if you wanna party. If not you'll have a bad time haha. But who knows, maybe you like to go dumb haha
Pretty much this. I would recomend 1.Chico- great school and great parties 2.Moneterey-beautiful, and a great town. Lots of sights to see very close 3.Humboldt-WEEEEEEEED! I fell in love with monterey as a child, plus they have one of the sickest aquariums in the world which is really fun to do certain drugs that make you trip at