Moving Plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by BUDdha KING, Apr 22, 2008.

  1. Tommorow I should be moving about 4 plants from small pots into the ground. I was just wondering if I could get any tips about the best method for uprooting them without shocking them to much.
  2. make sure the soil isnt too wet(in the pot) when you take them out. Put your hand across the pot with the stem between 2 of your fingers, turn upside down, and it should all come right out if the roots have grown enough.

    Make sure the soil you transplant into isnt rock hard and is pretty loose. After you get it in there, make sure no white perlite is showing from the soil and give it a good watering all around the plant. Go back in 2 weeks and weed the small native vegetation around the plants.
  3. You could slice around the bottom of the pot and take off the bottom, then put the whole thing minus the bottom of the pot into the ground and bury it up a lil bit above the pot so it looks normal.


  4. Yep thats a good idea too if you dont mind sparing the pots. They are pretty cheap.

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