Alright so my original plan for my next grow was to run "2" 400 watt Lights and have a perpetual harvest. Keep rotating every 4 weeks of flower. I Currently already have 1 400 watt light but my friend is offering to let me borrow his 600. So would my best bet be to use the 400 watter for the first 4 weeks of flowering and the 600 for the plants finishing up their flowering cycle? Thanks!
use the bigger light for the whole thing aslong as there is no heat issue. as they say 0.5g's per watt. bigger = better. unless it will be too hott for your plants. then go with the smaller. if it was me and heat was an issue i would fix the issue and still use the bigger light.
Interesting question... I would do like you said and swap 'em into your 600w space for their last 4 weeks. That's when the buds put on most of the weight and start to produce tons of sweet sticky resin anyway. Wouldn't want to hamper that by denying them 200 watts they had before.
Whoops.. Guess I wasnt to clear. Im going to be running both lights at the same time. And Im going to rotate plants so I would have 6 plants flowering weeks 1-4 under the 400 watt while another 6 will be next to them under a 600 watt finishing up their cycle. So this way I can harvest every month yannnoo? sorry I wasnt clear about that
Moving them from 400w to 600w lights wont cause any problems. However, getting 6 plants under 1 400w or 600w light? You better intend to go SOG.
Yeah, hang them both up next to each other and just move the plants around once a week. You'll be fine. Don't overthink it...