Moving filter and exhaust fan out of the tent

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Shroombie, Nov 19, 2023.

  1. #1 Shroombie, Nov 19, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    So I got my self an SE5000 for my 100cm x 100 and need to move this mess outside of my tent.
    My idea is to screw a hook into my ceiling so that I can hang my fan just outside of the tent. I'm going to divide the ducting creating a small piece that's going to be between my tent and my exhaust fan and the rest will lead to the carbon filter which I just going to place on the roof the tent.
    So kinda like this:
                                 ----> carbonfilter here just laying on tents roof.
                                  |         ___________
                                  |--Fan|<--  tent      |
                                         |                 |
    That should work right? I read that I need "inline" carbon filter for this to work. But this is not an inline carbon filter right? I need one that has metallic surface?

    I also read that having the fan outside = more noise but I really doubt the tent does any sound proofing at all?
    Do I have better alternatives than this setup? How would you do it?
  2. You want the filter IN the tent pulling air into it rather than pushing air out of it outside the tent.
  3. I know. That's how I currently have it but I wanna make room for my SE5000. I've read that both ways should work. And some say it works only with inline filters but I'm not sure what an "inline filter" is.
  4. what you have is an inline filter.
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  5. Then what is a regular filter? All carbon filters for tents seem to be inline filters?
  6. sure. If your filter is reversable . Meaning you can pull air in the other direction. Put the filter outside the tent .
    Reverse the fan suck air into the filter . It will work just as well. Only if the filter is reversable .
    If your not sure just do it . Most filters only last 6 months to 3 years . Not risking a house doing it lol
    Make sure you have a vent inside the tent so air can escape when the fan is sucking the air from inside the tent . This is the best way to really do it frees up a lot of room . Keeps the tent negative air pressure . You will never have smells from the tent again
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  7. #7 Shroombie, Nov 19, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    I have a circulation fan inside the tent. A nice, tall, rotating one. The tent is in the balcony anyway and I will probably notice any smell much before my neighbors so I might just try it then.
    But not with the filter on the picture, I've used that one for more than 3 years now and have had no problems. I bought two back then so I still have the other one as new, I will use that one and throw this one out. I remember having the discussion with my retailer back then, about that both ways should work, so I guess the filter is reversable.
    Then my only concern right now is that I can't come up with a better solution than to drill a hole into my balcony's ceiling. I've always ruined stuff when I've needed to drill..
  8. Give us a pic of the entire set up and where the tent is stored.

    Can always install a dryer vent . Yea that vent that goes in your clothing dryer . Something like that if you need to mess with outside structures . This way one day you will stop growing in the future nothing was damaged .
    I know now your think its for long term trust me shit happens grows get stopped or moved in the future .
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  9. My filter and fan is on the outside of my tent, I just have the duct flex pipe sticking into the tent and works just fine. 17004239854921953669987865791972.jpg
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  10. Maybe I'm overkilling by wanting the fan to hang exactly there. It might as well just stand on some cutting board on the roof of the tent and then drag the duct from the roof into the tent. Thanks for this picture. Drilling now seems like a dumb idea.
  11. #11 storz, Nov 19, 2023
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2023
    I have a similar set up but you can make your set up more efficient by putting your fan directly on the filter and get rid of the 3 meters of ducting that goes from the fan to the filter. This will also get rid of a couple 90 degree bends in your ducting. By removing the length of ducting and bends in the ducting, you will increase air flow and pressure generated by your fan---more efficient. With more efficiency, you might be able to turn your fan down and save electricity as well as decrease the noise from fan. Maybe increase the life of your fan also.
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  12. There's no problem with running it otuside the tent. I'd just attach the inline fan directly to the filter instead of having it separated with ducting inbetween. Have the flexi duct come out of the tent, curve it up to the top of the tent and attach it to the fan and connect the fan directly to the filter. Both ways will work but the way I described will be a little neater and will give you more room on the side of the tent.
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  13. It would be a little more efficient if you cut the second flexi duct out of the equation and just put the fan directly on top of the filter. The longer the ducting and the more corners the less airflow. Just an idea.

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