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Movies while High

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by yankeehazard, Mar 28, 2012.

  1. Ok so i went the movies while totally burnt out I mean i was just gone I went with my friend and he said i was slurring my words and it took me like a minuite to correctly pronounce Hunger Games( which by the way was really cool stoned on top of that I was picking out obvious plot holes). He said it was bad people kept giving me weird looks.
  2. Sounds like you need to smoke more so you can chill out.
  3. Slurring? the hell you say!
  4. Slurring? I am assuming alcohol was involved then...
  5. I really like to watch Old School Bruce Lee movies when im high
  6. i went to the movies and saw hunger games high as fuck too. me and my friend got a tub of popcorn and put a ton of butter and some salt on it and we ate that shit cuz we had the munchies like a bitch. good movie though i liked it
  7. Sounds like you a newb. Toke up a lot more for a tolerance. :bongin:
  8. Eh...not cool man. Getting stoned and going out is awesome, not when you give it a bad name though. Chill in public, play it cool. And please, don't slur your words. Come on now...
  9. hunger games was tight. i was high as fuck when i saw it also.
  10. I hate assholes that talk during the movie.
  11. Rent Memento. You'll hold on for dear life from how hard it fucks your mind.
  12. thats ok guys maybe everyone else around him thought he had Tourettes or something :p

  13. YEA, lol..i just get in a trance and occasionally laugh to myself and say to the bad guy: Ha, you got your ass whooped
  14. Battle Royale > Hunger Games

    Find a better fad dudes.
  15. Same concept, but different execution. BR glorified the violence too much. THG had killer acting, J'Law was amazing.

  16. Hollywood loves to steal awesome Japanese movies and dumb them down to make them more acceptable to American audiances.

    Coincidentally, Suzanne Collins did the exact same thing, just in novel form.

    Whatever, ill take Battle Royale and The Running Man any day over Hunger Games.

  17. Wow, went to the movies high 2 times. First time I fell asleep, shit haha. Second time I was only a little blazed because it took a while to walk there and we stopped for munchies. I gotta do this again when I get a nice sativa, like haze. Had that stuff blow my mind haha :smoke:

  18. Don't forget The Truman Show. Another underrated classic that the movie took influence from.
  19. Hunger games was aight. I liked the part where the teenagers viciously murdered each other, it was kinda neat :smoke:

  20. Trust me long time Battle Royal Fan hear read the book own the movie

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