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mouth + water = perc

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by iwasaskier, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. when taking a hit from your pipe, put water in your mouth and time it right, and you get a filtered hit. Spit the water out afterwards.
  2. this genious idea needs two threads??
  3. My God Man, I was going to say the same thing.

    As your attorney, I advise you not to do that, sounds bad, using a real bong sounds like a much better plan.
  4. I did it once on a stoned whim...and afterwards(water still in mouth) I asked myself..."Is this bong water in my mouth?"

    I was so suprised I swallowed it and vowed never to do it again...
  5. That means you willingly put BONG WATER in your mouth bro? You my friend... are simply retarted.
  6. Whatever. Next time I smoke I'm going to try this.
  7. Quit being cheap and get a bong; this is why it was invented, so people don't do stupid things like inhale water.
  8. i have a roor.. its just an idea that i was sort of amazed at and wanted to share.. you damn cunts.
  9. Amazed at?

    I heard this idea about a year ago. However, instead of water, the person suggested using Sprite or some other form of soft drink to "flavour" the smoke. I called that person an idiot.

    Do you REALLY want to INHALE smoke with water IN your mouth? Use your head man.
  10. I do this when i smoek a blunt works awesomely, I do it as often as I Can. Works Great, and its not liek bong water that has been used 10 times, its only one hit.
  11. thanks isparkmygreens... you ROCK

    plus, why would it be a bad idea to have the water in your mouth? do you think that inhaling unfiltered smoke is healther than letting slightly dirty water rest in your mouth for a few seconds while inhaling filtered smoke.. its not dirty or bad at all, it works amazingly well and its so easy
  12. I did this for a while last year.

    Ends up though after you get high and are smoking you don't notice that you are letting water drain into your pipe and it gets nasty.

    Other than that it works like a charm.
  13. Yeah, it's one hit, per sip of water. I don't think it's gunna get too sick.
  14. Haha very interesting... I am going to have to try it one day.

  15. hhahahahaha emag, that is some funny shit bro!!!!
    i dont think i would ever do this.....
  16. Ill try this next time I smoke a bowl, I dont see why everyone hates this idea, its not that bad.
  17. I cant say this seems to be one of the brighter ideas. Aint even like a Perc. At least you are liking what ya do tho. Thats what counts.
  18. Alright, so after reading this thread a few days ago, and having the curiosity of well..a stoner, I decided to try this durring my session last night...all i have to say is GROSS! Try taking a sip of bong water for is not a pleasent expirience.
  19. im still confused as to the method of this madness.

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