Hey I have four outdoor plants that are nearly ready to harvest we had a big rain about two weeeks ago I have noticed one of the girls of got two mould spots on two different locations the mould area that is effected have dried out the buds maybe a few grams worth, should I cut and remove the infected areas or just leave it until harvest and then trim it out, we are due for more rain in the next coming days and humidity. So should I just leave it or chop it out now?
Hey all I have four girls that are outdoors and about two weeks ago we had rain and yesterday I noticed two spots on one of the girls that has mould, the bud was all dried up and dead I noticed this because I grabbed the bud and some came, I am asking if I should just leave it until harvest which is only about a month off or trim the moulded buds off now or will I be okay to leave it I understand it will spread on the bud that it’s already on which I’m fine with throwing a few grams away I can’t stop Mother Earth, and will it spread to the others by chance? The other plants still smell amazing it’s just one of the girls smells a bit funky after the rain I’m not sure if it could be the strain but it does have two mould spots, we are forecast to get more rain and humidity over the next couple days just wanted someone else’s thoughts about this. Thank you
very carefully cut it out is the way, see it loaded with millions of spores that will carry on the breeze, so I wrap the mold in plastic first if thats possible then snip away I'd keep your plants as dry as you can with the fans on high good luck
They are outdoors so fans is the issue I might just wrap the mould spots and chop the bud off, I already broke some off because I touched it to check and it was so dry it just came off so hopefully It doesn’t spread to the other girls and hopefully the one that has it doesn’t get worse
Will be doing that then I’ll just put plastic over the area I’m cutting to stop the mould pollen from spreading to the other girls
If the bud top is sun dried and crumbly it may be Caterpillars and not Mold. Have you been spraying BT for Caterpillars and running a bug zapper nearby ? BNW
No i No I havnt it may be caterpillars the plant has really gotten a funky smell tho but I think it jus the the strain because all four strains have changed smells throughout there grow
Pull out the dead sun dried bits. If it is Caterpillar damage the dry part has been chewed off and will pull free with almost no effort. Keep digging in the hole it forms and look for a green Caterpillar deep in the spot. BT Thuricide once a week every week while the plant is in flower and run a bug zapper nearby. Even then I take a little damage but nothing like what I suffered my first big outdoor grow when all I harvested was 10,000 Caterpillars. BNW
Man I can sure attest to this one!! In most outdoor cases, it's not excess water or rain that is causing mold. It's caterpillars. BT has saved my ass countless times!!
Caterpillars and Powdery Mildew are all i really have to stay on top of. The Praying Mantises and Ladybugs patrol and take care of the rest of the crawling chewing critters. BNW