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Mother's Day Wake & Bake

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by mous, May 8, 2011.

  1. #1 mous, May 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2011
    Hey all. Just enjoying a nice W&B this morning while I plan what I am going to make my mother for dinner. I thought it would inspire me.

    I think I have decided on Lamb and Rice Stuffed Peppers w/ Goat Cheese. Now I just have to decide on a salad to go along with it. Thinking something with spinach... ugh. I don't know.... Must need another bowl for inspiration. ;D

    What are all you doing today for M's Day? Anyone fortunate enough to burn with their mom's today?

    Happy Mother's Day to any mom's here! :)

    EDIT: Added pic for effect. haha. ;D

    Attached Files:

  2. That looks like a crack pipe.
  3. How its just a regular metal pipe for smoking bud, i have one also?
  4. My mom lives 1200 miles away so I won't get to see her this year. I'll be going out to dinner with my grandma and my aunt with my new 6 week old cousin.
  5. i dunno how to cook so i just got my mom a card, yay me.
  6. what's in the metal tin on the left? and I'm going to brunch with my mom and dad at the restaurant where my sister and her boyfriend work.
  7. My mother passed im gonna roll one, go out for a nice walk in nature and blaze one for her..

    Make sure you call/visit/email/facebook/smoke signal/skype/etc... your mothers, trust me. One day you might not be able too

    Blaze on blades...
  8. looks like hes using it as an ashtray
  9. ask your mom to take a bong rip at the dinner table.
  10. #10 mous, May 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 8, 2011
    How so? All my friends have metal pipes. This is just that with a wooden finish. I think the crazy colorful ones look like they are for some crazy drugs.


    Its a Snus container I use as a portable/pocketable ashtray. Bent a paper clip into the lid to keep shorted joints/ it
    After all, they all smell the same.
  11. I wish I could wake n bake this morning. But I had to get stitches after slicing my finger at work yesterday so I need to stay clean in case there is a post-accident drug test :(
  12. Why do you have a different Mothers Day date to the UK? We are the centre of the God damn world.
  13. Got my mom some fresh picked flowers and a homeade card. And I inspected a box of chocolates.

    Little baked off some wormwood i picked yesterday.

    Legal. :)

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