Mother Theresa's secret thoughts about God

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by Demari, Apr 14, 2008.

  1. i'm sure most of you heard about when they showed those letters that Mother Theresa was writing to somebody, and how she began to question her faith greatly.

    what i'm wondering is, why do you think she kept it so private? besides the obvious implications - if soembody has doubts of something than why should they not express it? why did she continue to operate under the name of God?

    i think she was feeling the things that alot of athiests/non-religious people feel, and after devoting her life to the religion it was destroying her to doubt what she gave herself to
  2. Maybe she thought that by making those thoughts public, people might lose faith in her and quit doing the compassionate work that she started. Clearly she knew that the charity she was providing was inherently good, and that, regardless of faith, the charity should continue.
  3. I second Icky.
    I'd like to add, tho, that its human to doubt, and I don't think that somehow makes her a bad person for having doubts in her faith or questions, in fact I think it kind of brings her down off this pedastal that people put her on a bit.

    Granted, I know little about Mother Theresa, but from what I do know, she seems like she was at least honest and had good intentions.
    EDIT: And I say that cause I've heard a lot of bad things being said about her, and tho no one here (at least in this thread so far) has said anything bad about her (as far as I can see) I just wanted to kind of put that out there anyway... yeah.

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