Hi there, i have a little question here How much time can you keep a mother plants ? that have been outside, flowered, harvested, then put back indoor and vegg for clones.... any one have experience with this , is this will be afffecting someting at long term etc... thanks for reply
I have never heard of flowering, harvesting and revegging a mother plant. If it can be done I would imagine the clones would not do well. I could be wrong.
Usually the whole point of revegging a plant is you discovered a sweet pheno.Some people also reveg for a month,or two.Then switch back to 12/12. You can keep a mother plant indefinatly.I've heard of guys saving them 25+ years. Some say theres no need,and you can clone off clones every time.. I have 2 re vegged purple wrecks going right now.They get so purple they are almost black at 9 weeks or so.Bud to.Not just leaf.
well yeah,, i took a plant this summer and growed it outside,,, only this one gived to me about 14 elbow dry haha... and what a kind, i dont even know what its the kind even if im a connaiseur, im a typycally amazon smoker ( i mean i like to smoke good stuff) and this plan was given to me ... so i growed him, harvested 14 elbow of her. but i still wanted this plan caus it give, and it grow well , so i put it back inside,,, revegged it,,, and now its like a plan of healt canada HAHAHHAA, its about 5 feet high, and 3 feet large, i just cutted 35 clones of it,, and they all live , and they are all about 2 feet now, reall goood clones that make....