anybody use mothballs to keep animals away? do they really work against all type of animals? mainly raccoons,possums, squirrels, cats.
yeah i use them to keep away insects and small critters. dont always work to well but if you use moth balls along with other little repellent techniques than should keep most critters at bay.
i usually burry solo cups into the ground and fill the solo cups up with moth balls around 3-5 plants.
Use hardware cloth bro. Mothballs doesn't work to good. And I personally wouldn't want them to close to my plants. That shit is toxic. It works for a minute then the little bassssstards get brave and approach your girls anyway. Fence ya girls off and dont forget to paint the fencing. Or use deer netting.
yeah elbows is right they arent that effective but hey you add all these little tricks together and could really steer the critters away. i dont lay the mothballs over the soil, i put them in cups so none of the toxic chems run off into the soil
deoderant soap and mothballs in a long black sock tied nearby = success also eating lots of meat and shitting near your plants, the critters will smell all that and be like ohh hell nahh..