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MothaFriggin Moochers

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by DMX, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. I hate it.

    Stop asking me to use my pipe. Even if its just for 20 minutes. Its MY pipe, get your own.
    Dont ask me to use my Bowl, then scrape all the resin out of it without asking me.

    Dont ask for my grinder. Dont use my grinder and take every bit of keif you see.

    Dont wake me up... AT ALL, especially if its to ask me for my bowl.

    Dont ask for MY roaches.

    Stop using MY computer.
  2. Can I use your pipe? :poke:

  3. NJ is full of moochers man..
  4. come on man let me use your pipe, you got a spare lighter as well?
  5. Can I use your pipe and your weed bro?:poke:

    Don't worry, I have a lighter :D
  6. Can i use your herb bro. Got my own pipe! :hello:
  7. Come on man, its rude to ignore people man, I need a pipe man

  8. Amen to that and the OP
  9. I fuckin hate moochers with a passion. I make money and go out of my way to make sure I have everything that I need. Then some lazy motherfucker who doesnt do shit asks me for something
  10. Just say no, didn't they teach u anything in school? :)
  11. Stealing the kief from your grinder? Thats low. Kief is my favorite thing to smoke... sometimes I just grind up bud to get the kief and just make edibles with the ground up bud (no matter how dank it is). I freaking LOVE kief.

    Hide your stash OP and don't let it see the light of day with the moocher around. UNLESS he blazes you up.
  12. #13 BA, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011

    I have a roommate that has broken 2 200 dollar bongs (neither were mine) yet he still has the nerve to come up every day and ask to use last weekend he took all the kief out of my grinder like I wouldn't notice. and he steals my beer...and my sounds like we're talking about the same person OP :(

    EDIT: You got me on a smokeout though? I'll be in NJ tomorrow with no weed/money, i'll hit u up.

  13. I feel you on those. Shit is a constant for me. People always wanting to use my pieces. If I leave it at your house after burning with you, Feel free to use it, but don't ask me for my shit constant.

    My bong and grinder stayed at my cousins house for like 2 months. Finally got that shit back. Now I gotta clean it again since people don't know toking etiquette.

    Use it, Wash it, Repeat it.
  14. To true man I was smoking a friends house last week and there was a new guy that was "the friend of a friend" he seamed alright and asked if he could roll a J from my stash. I was pretty baked and had a decent amount so said he could, motherfucker used my crystals that I had been saving for a month :mad: and hogged the joint to point that I had to ask for it back AND he got his fucking spit all over the roach. Thats the last time I smoke him up ever fucking douche. Its not even a matter of toking etiquette just general etiquette.

  15. I wish I could find an actual list, so I could buy it and hang it up.

    My brother had one at his house, but involved being drunk at the house. Like not taking all the TP, knocking over shit, hoggin the couch.

    Oh how I wish there was a list.
  16. Personally, I like my bowl to build up resin. I'd be pissed if someone cleaned it on me :/

    But i guess bongs are different, keep that shit clean.

  17. Yeah. I'm kinda a dickhead about my pieces. But even if I had a glass pipe, I'd still keep it clean. I don't smoke resin.
  18. Iunno man, shit sounds pretty fucked up..
    Only time I ever let some one use one of my pieces is if it's the lesser-quality one and I have two or more at the time :)..also assuming it's one of the friends that smoke(s) me out, etc. As for getting woken up just to be bugged like that..phew..I hate being woken up in general, can't imagine how that shit must be lol.
  19. The worst is when you crash at your friend's house, and they just help themselves to your bud.

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