Most you've ever eaten while high?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by malihide, May 26, 2009.

  1. man i ate a five pound pork roast with all the trimmings one night. best damn roast i ever had.
  2. Me and my friend split an entire XL pizza after my mom had told us to save some for my brother hahaha.

  3. I would love to do that high, I'd be grubbin'
  4. There was a party combo at mcdonalds. Me and 3 other friends ordered some. It had like 2 bigmacs, 4 cheeseburgers, 4 sets of fries, I believe some other burgers and 4 drinks. I went half way through it and ended up throwing up some hours later. Fuck mcdonalds :laughing:

    Or maybe it has to be the "late for family thanksgiving dinner because I spent the afternoon getting high and now I'm gonna pig out on that fucking turkey and mashpotatoes."
  5. I've seen a friend eat one of those huge ass party size orders of chicken tenders from Chic-fil-a, you know the kind that's meant for 4 or 5 people.

    Personally the most I've eaten was a 20 piece nugget and fish fil-a sandwich from mcdonalds with a large side of fries. It was delicious till I sobered up and felt sick from eating so much so fast -_-
  6. There are two instances that stand out in my mind....
    1) I had a mc gang bang with a medium fri (mc gang band is a mc double with a mc chicken in between)
    Then I had a chicken breast (around 6 oz), a salad, asparagus, and a big helping of rice. Needless to say I threw it all up

    2) I had 2 5 layers beefy burritos from Taco Bell, a double decker taco with a Doritos shell, a cool ranch locos taco, half a chalupa and a few cinnamon bites

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