Most unacceptable thing to happen to you at your job?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sirdanielfortesque6, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. I know we all have different definitions of unacceptable. But come on people let’s hear some strange stuff, you’ve seen on the job. I know I’ve seen naked women delivering pizza, strange lights in the sky (ufo) while working a third shift job,I’ve seen a lot of weird things in my day. So let’s sit back smoke a bowl and tell tales of our strange encounters while on the clock.

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  2. 8 hour shifts
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  3. Illegals stealing work and horrendous safety hazards/lack of safety.

    Naked women are a perk, not something unacceptable.
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  4. is this supposed to be a joke?

    8 hour shift is a joke lol

    anyways, off to work for 13 hour shift.
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  5. Being openly molested by a customer in full view of my supervisor whom said he was a big client. This was at STAPLES, and I was making less than 8.50 an hour.
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  6. Well Gaddamn...a guy filming that would get pad more per hour. Ffff

    I was working in office reloacations a while back...think, removalist, but offices?
    Basic dismantle/transport/reassemble work stations etc.
    This company, I think wanted to make itself appear bigger/better than it was so always quoted with ridiculous turnaround times on jobs, and they were quite a cheap
    Transported people, standing, in the back of their transport trucks. At one point and unsecured er...dolly? The little board with wheels? hit someone in the ankle...wasn't broken but they went home...
    Once ran a shift for this HUGE that was bigger than they should have been capable...and people were asked to stay for as long as they could. By the end of it, they ran a 53 hour shift. I think I stayed 37. Breaks were allowed, but not like, sleep breaks...and @ 15 minutes each.
    One boss called a guy "retard" when he bought up their legal obligation between shifts and breaks etc.
    There was other stuff. But basically shitty attitude, and zero regard to safety.
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  7. One Valentines’ Day, it snowed thirty-six inches in a day... no way to drive home.
    I slept on my office couch.
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  8. giphy-5.gif
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  9. I got fired for defending myself :laughing:
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  10. This is truly unacceptable! I apologize this happened to you.

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  11. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do for your own benefits. Hope everything worked out for you later.

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  12. Unacceptably unacceptable!

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  13. This made me laugh! Thank you.

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  14. This is so true I guess it was a perk. What kind of horrendous safety hazards? If you don’t mind me asking?

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  15. Lmao this also made me laugh! Thank you.

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  16. 13 hour shifts were considered short days in a previous life. I was doing 16-18 hours on average and an 8 hour shift on Sundays. Some weeks I toiled for 100 hours.

    Made bank, though.
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  17. The bright side - at least it wasn't the floor.
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  18. Drinking on lunch break, masturbating in pretty much every room in the office, personal charges to company credit card, sexually harassing co workers, picking fights with co workers. Think those are the most unacceptable things I’ve done so far but I’ve only been here for a few months.
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  19. Theres human shit all over the walls in back of the building I'm working in right now

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  20. The GM yelling and being extremely pissed off over minor things, even tossing papers and hitting office equipment.

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