Ive never been in big trouble at school before besides a few detentions and a suspesion for fighting, let me hear some of your stories. :Smoking:
Got expelled two weeks before graduation. The county public school investigators (wtf?) pulled me out of class, scraped up the dust on the floor of my car and tested the shake. It turned purple, was expelled. Though it was the third time I was arrested for weed at school. They didn't find my grinder and the three grams in the roof though!
Last day of senior year me and a few buddies tried to leave early to pre-game before a concert and as we were walking out the door to my car the school resource officer blocked the way out, said any seniors who tried to leave early wouldn't walk the stage at graduation. Other than that the only bad thing I really did was leave school early, you get ISS(In-school suspension) for a day, which you basically just sit in a room all day no talking and a detention.
did alot of crazy shit in high school but the school i went to if you were not involved in any extra activities they didn't care about you. was involved in this but left before any cameras saw me lol. http://www.silive.com/northshore/index.ssf/2012/02/police_charge_teen_with_marine.html
i was fucking insane in high school and i would sell sacks right outside the school where if someone looked out the window they would see me. i talked about it all the time in class too. like not while the teachers talking but when theyre off doing their thing so like everyone around me knew i was baked as fuck but for the most part i didnt get in trouble. this one girl though was just randomly talking to me about pot brownies or some shit and a teacher overheard cuz shes a loudmouth and they called her parents and shit but they didnt do anything to me. and i probably brought it up. i had a lot of friends get caught for being high or with weed. i could usually keep my shit on the down low so i didnt have any problems. most trouble i got in was in like grade school because we are basically chimpanzees at that age
and i used to go to school on a lot more than plain weed but i guess we arent supposed to talk about it here
The last week of eighth grade my class went to Washington DC for a class trip for 4 days. On the third we went to see the Pentagon. Long story short, I accidentally brought a knife into security. They were cool about it and I even got to go on the tour, but my bitch teacher was PISSED! She tried to get me expelled and arrested when we got back to SC, on the grounds that I technically brought a knife into school and should be punished as such. Because it was an accident(it really was) and it was literally the last week of school, I got suspended for like 5 days. What hurt a lot worse was not being able to say goodbye to all my middle school friends(the class was only 50 kids, and I was popular) and not being allowed to attend graduation and stand with my class. I'm 18(actually am, ironically) and I still really feel bad about not being there. Luckily the incident made me care about school, and instead of getting Cs and Ds in HS I got As and Bs, plus I matured a lot. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
[quote name="mystonedmind" post="19395058" timestamp="1390528657"]i was fucking insane in high school and i would sell sacks right outside the school where if someone looked out the window they would see me. i talked about it all the time in class too. like not while the teachers talking but when theyre off doing their thing so like everyone around me knew i was baked as fuck but for the most part i didnt get in trouble. this one girl though was just randomly talking to me about pot brownies or some shit and a teacher overheard cuz shes a loudmouth and they called her parents and shit but they didnt do anything to me. and i probably brought it up. i had a lot of friends get caught for being high or with weed. i could usually keep my shit on the down low so i didnt have any problems. most trouble i got in was in like grade school because we are basically chimpanzees at that age [/quote]Same thing happened to my friend with moonshine two years ago. Keep your mouth shut if your going to actually do it, leave the dickheadedness and ego(or lack of)with the wannabe stoners!Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Was sorta involved in this; http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/1386608/posts but they never caught the guy who did it. Wasnt me, but i helped break into the cafeteria the friday night beforehand. Battle of the Bands night and everything. school was shut down for a weekbfor "decontamination" hahaha
The last time I was in school actually about four years ago I got busted with about fifteen assorted unmentionables. I'm still on probation for that shit ,but maybe I'll be off this year just in time for my baby to arrive in August.
Me and 4 of my buddys Got caught drunk as absolute fuck at homecoming. Blew a .194 and was suspended for 5 days and had to attend a drug and alcohol class. Only 2 of my buddys got away. Sent from my SPH-L720 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I've been arrested at school for assault and suspended for 10 days.Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
My highschool career was without a doubt one remembered by everyone.. Subbed for later when I feel like writing my long story.
10th grade me and my friend got in a fight with these 2 others guys in gym class. Got suspended for a couple days. That's about the worst I got. My school was pretty chill about most thingsSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
In elementary I got in trouble for bullying a kid. Buy honestly through my eyes it didn't even seem like I was bullying this poor kid I saw it as just playing but the kid saw it differently. I didnt get punished for it I just had a tallk with the principal.
Last day of 9th grade and me and like 4 other people were gonna smoke after school so I brought like six joints then my friend got more weed and like legit five minutes of class left we went to the bathroom cause I was gonna roll another joint with his weed and I was like dude lets do it in the woods but he eventually got me to go to bathroom and I'm rolling the joint but I'm not in the stall which was so stupid but anyways rolling the joint and he's like I gotta go back to class and I'm like for real wtf and so he leaves but on his way out there's a teacher walking in and he didn't say anything like teacher or run or cops so I got caught but they only suspended me for 10 days next year and they probably smoked my weedSent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I used to get in trouble a lot in grade school. I was an angry, medicated little fuck at that age. Was pretty much in the principle's office every day for something relating to cussing out a teacher or beating on another student. I calmed down in high school though, except for 8th and 9th grade. I went to some smaller hick ass school where everyone there smoked or did other unmentionables and got away with almost everything. I was a brave little shit those two years. Got in some minor trouble with the English teacher a lot. Me and my two buddies would fuck with her so much, calling her racist and telling her that her class was prejudiced even though like 95% of that school was white. It made no sense whatsoever but was pretty funny I guess. I did nearly get in trouble with drug related shit when I said that quote from family guy, "My name is Tim, I am 23 years young, and I love weed." Of course a loud ass classroom would go silent right as I'm repeating that to a friend. The class laughed their asses off and I got written up.