Most ridiculous excuse for red-eyes/cottonmouth/weed smell?

Discussion in 'General' started by NoLiM3, Aug 8, 2011.

  1. seeing as how this thread is related enough to the topic, i have another question:

    do you guys think putting eye drops on BEFORE smoking has a better effect? or after? ive known people who do either or and i think that putting eyedrops on before helps more, but then again, i also do believe that putting eyedrops on after u smoke kills your high a bit..
  2. #42 Streetlight545, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    I usually do it before just so I don't have to fuck around with it when I'm high. Putting in rhotos when your baked does feel fucking amazing though.
  3. I like the allergies + contacts, personally.

    Doesn't work so well in the winter, but spring through fall just say: "My contacts are trapping all of those allergens inside my eyes, shit is pissing me off."

    Also the contacts can explain any glassiness.
  4. rhotos? are those them HD eyedrops that people talk about?

    cuz if it is then one time i put those shits on and they had me crying lmao :D
  5. Hayfever is a good one but only good for half a year...
  6. Mom: why are yours eyes so red !!!?
    Me:eek:hhh yeah,my ipod was to loud..
    Mom:uhh okay?
    I later remembered I don't have an ipod hahahahah
  7. One time we boxed my friends bedroom (his room is downstairs) when his mom was gone for weekend, only his younger sister was home.

    Well we were just blowing smoke everywhere and didn't realize it would go through the vents

    When we went upstairs there was a fog of smoke through the whole house his excuse: "there's a tree burning down the street and there's lots of smoke coming from it"
  8. I wear contacts and I have sensitive eyes so I just always blame the redness on that but the smell can get tricky.

    Once I was smoking in the balcony while my dad was taking a shower. I have no idea to this day how he smelled it but he came out of the shower and said, "Whats that smell?!?" Only thing I could come up with at the time was a skunk that must have passed by.

    I was heading out to the movies so I started to role a joint in the bathroom before I took a shower. Once I got in the shower my dad needed something so I opened the door. Right away first thing he says, "It's in here too!!!" Best thing I could come up with was that the skunk must of got in to the vents lol. I don't think he believed me since he started searching the cabinets to find out where that smell was coming from.
  9. ^ hahaha the old skunk escuse... i've used it plenty of times.. as irrational as it is it works :D
  10. Grandma: Why are your eyes red ?
    Me: I just went swimming, cool your shit bitch.
  11. i have contacts so i just say they're bothering me...

    as for smell, once i smoked sour diesel in my room and let me tell you that was the worst idea ever.. that shit stinks up your room like a muhh fuhh. the next morning when my mom came into my room she notcied the smell and asked if i was smoking. i tried to do a placebo effect thing where i said "i have no idea what you're talking about mom, i dont smell anything. you must be imagining it."

    she didnt really buy into it because she started sniffing the walls and areas around my room but once she came home from work she completely forgot :hello:

    but seriously dont ever smoke sour d in your room unless you wanna get caught, the smell stayed my room after 3 days and leaves a very strong gasoline/cigarette type smell
  12. My eyes never get red, just glazed.
    However when im not high some freak thing will happen and ill look like a demon when im completely sober. In that case i just say allergies and laugh it off.
  13. #53 InhaledGold, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    For real the only punch he ever gave was hawaiian.
  14. My contacts are dry. No need to come up with off the wall excuses, it always works. I had someone at work as me that. I got so scared, dry contacts was the first thing i thought of and its worked since.
  15. To explain my red eyes, I used to tell my teachers that there was too much chlorine in the pool. This was funny because it was January in WV.
  16. #56 hesthedaddy, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Wtf? ...
  17. #57 InhaledGold, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Its a joke.
  18. #58 hesthedaddy, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    You dont know the first thing about me, usually I can take a laugh but your not funny and the dude your defending is a bit defensive. That is all.
  19. I always just say "Oh my eyes are always that way." Which is true lol. :devious: But than I say it is because I was rubbing them a lot it should go away soon which it does because my hiiigh can only last sooo long and they just pay attention until it goes away and you keep slightly rubbing your eyes every now and than to make it look reasonable and success! :hello::smoke::D
  20. #60 InhaledGold, Aug 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 15, 2016
    Of course, why would i make such a vast assumeption if i knew you ;o you need a chill pill. This is a marijuana forum, dont take things so seriously.

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