Most orgasms in one day

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by Blazed Bacon, Jan 5, 2010.

  1. So people, another poll for ya. How many orgasms have you been able to pull off in one day (24 hours)?

    For me I'd say 4.

    Elaborate if you wish ;)
  2. Three, and that was horny-as-fuck.
  3. five, i was high and alone all day lol.and "<10" this is greater then 10. this ">10" is less than ten man lol

  4. No, you've got them mixed up. Trust me.
  5. Yea blazed is right. The alligator (<) eats the smaller number. So <10 less than >10 greater than.

    I dont remember my most, but it was defiantly more than 10. When I first discovered masturbating, I did it all day long, whenever possible. lol
  6. had one of those days when i was about 20... 22 now and I like to fuck at least 2 times a day but have went 5 in 24 hours each time sessions lasted 10-60 minutes at least couldnt believe how many nuts i popped off in one day
  7. 8, o the wonders of the hand in middle school.
  8. oh lol srry guys
  9. more than 10... i'll just leave it at that.
  10. The arrow points to the smaller number bro.
  11. I'm so confused now! I researched it and I think your right... so this means my whole 3rd Grade Math was a LIE!? Nooo!!!
  12. #15 OsamaBinStoned, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2010

    Yeah he is right this is less than ten <10 snd greater than ten >10.
    The gator eats the bigger number
  13. it says greater than 10 lol.
    >10 is greater than ten.
  14. #17 Ridiculous, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 5, 2010
    sorry but this drives me nuts...

    the alligator eats the bigger number. 11>10, this means that 11 is greater than 10.

    here's a bit of research to back it....CLICK HERE

    like the link states and like i learned in school, the alligator is hungry, so he wants more food, thus eating the bigger number!

    glad we got this squared away...


  15. Exactly what I was told, the gator eats the bigger number.:smoking:
  16. < less than
    > greater than
    = equal to

    and everyone was told about the fuckin' alligator. "Why would an alligator eat numbers?", I asked myself while sitting in my 1st grade math class.
  17. except you're wrong.
    you got it half right 11>10 is right, but when there is no second number
    > is greater than
    < is less than
    so therefor >10 mean greater than 10.

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