Most grocery bags youve taken in 1 trip

Discussion in 'General' started by Havok Se7en, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. lmao ummm, I think 10-12...
  2. I have never counted, i just always bring all of them in at once because two trips are for pussies.
  3. Between 20-30.

    I hate grocery shopping, so I do it once a month on the first of the month. Buy $400 worth of groceries and I'm set for that month. Sometimes I'll have to run out and buy random things, but not often.

    EDIT: I think I misread the question haha.

    I don't know. As many as I can carry. My dog helps out too
  4. Ahaha, reminded me of my older brother...

    Used to always try to make it a competition when the step mum made us go get 'em.

    Unfortunately as a child I had weak noodle arms, QQ...

    Honestly have no idea, guess I stopped caring enough to keep count :p
  5. Im like a fucking soldier transferring cargo when I load up. my hands get all imprinted and shit
  6. #7 landofodd, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 12, 2013
    not sure. that's what my kids are for, right?
    ...but seriously, I'm like SmokeyH. Ill be damned if I'm going to make a million trips back and forth between car and house. One day my arms will fall right off. it wont ruin my character though.

    Black Knight: None shall pass.

    King Arthur: What? 

    Black Knight: None shall pass!

    King Arthur: I have no quarrel with you, good Sir Knight. But I must cross this bridge. 

    Black Knight: Then you shall die. 

    King Arthur: I command you, as King of the Britons, to stand aside!
    Black Knight: I move for no man. 

    King Arthur: So be it!

     [they fight until Arthur cuts off Black Knight's left arm]

    King Arthur: Now, stand aside, worthy adversary!

    Black Knight: 'Tis but a scratch! 

    King Arthur: A scratch? Your arm's off! 

    Black Knight: No, it isn't!

    King Arthur: Well, what's that then?

    Black Knight: I've had worse. 

    50 Brownie points for naming movie! (shhhhh...don't tell anyone but they're Pot Brownie points)

    Sent from remote island in South Pacific using GC Forum
  7. Probably like 8 or 9, I never really count.
  8. Everything in the car. I go grocery shopping almost every day.
  9. I dont know whats worse. bringing up the groceries, taking two trips, or putting the groceries away.
  10. 3-way tie

    Sent from remote island in South Pacific using GC Forum
  11. Monty python?
  12. I work at a grocery store haha
    enjoy the virtual edible points!

    Sent from remote island in South Pacific using GC Forum
  14. healthy competition. I like that.

    Sent from remote island in South Pacific using GC Forum
  15. Absolutely as many as I possibly can.

  16. [​IMG]

    Made this gif just for OP.
  17. All of them? Dunno, never counted. I go once a week getting food for myself. Probably ~8 bags? Fuck making two trips. After I check out, I put the cart back and just carry everything to my car. Then one trip up the elevator to my apartment.
  18. as many as i could fit on my hands haha ive never really counted...
  19. Just leave a broom or some sort of pole in your trunk that way you can carry all of the groceries without crippling your fingers lol

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