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most fucked up experience i had

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by MotakiRotor, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. one night i was in a car with some friends in a mall parking lot, i smoked a bowl, maybe a gram or more i think. we got out and went inside, everything was fine, i knew i was high. we were walking and i stopped in front of the victorias secret mall to talk to a homie and he knew i was fucked. continued walking afterwards, i stepped inside the apple store and picked up the iphone....thats when shit hit the fan...

    all of a sudden i was drifting to the right, it was a weird feeling. as soon as i stepped out of the store, i was FUCKED!!!!:smoking: i was walking and felt like people were surrounding me, cops everywhere, and people that i thought i seen but weren't there. about 30min later the right side of my stomach was killing me. i was paranoid as shit. i remember the one time i seen some hot blonde across from me and i just waved. then i started dancing in the middle of the mall in front of the coffee shop where she was in. man WTF.

    Time was going so slow i needed to get back to the house, so with my stomach killing me, me and my friend popped in guitar hero 2 and started playing. beat the fucking bucket head song on expert and man was i fucking happy.

    i woke up the next morning and didn't feel the same, because i knew i wasn't like this before, so the next 7 days or so i was feeling fucking weird. like some effect was still on me. i was scared as shit, but eventually went away in a month. (was this normal?)

    im a once in a blue moon smoker, but id hit some ganja and feel different and not the same the next day and shit.
  2. Somtimes i feel a little off the next day after smoking a lot.
  3. sometimes the next day i get hit with a really bad like after-high type thing where i feel really dizzy and sick and then feel a little out of it for like 2-3 hours.
  4. sounds like you got high...
  5. Yeah, if your body isnt used to smoking frequently then getting really high can leave some lasting effects, sometimes for days.
  6. not smoking frequently then smoking a gram at once will do that to you.

    you just got really blazed man, youre fine ^_^
  7. Yep.
    One of the first times I got high I felt tingly for a week.

    Can't get that feelin anymore though no matter how much I smoke.
  8. i thought the weed was laced with some shit
  9. sounds like you had a panic attack man

    that can knock your brain sideways for a couple of days

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