Most Extreme Substance?

Discussion in 'General' started by skunk123454321, Aug 6, 2007.

  1. I was wondering what every1 else thought about this, what substance or drug do u think produces the most intense experiances in its users? From what ive tried id say salvia divinorum but alot of other ppl argue for 5-MeO-DMT or deleriants such as datura or nightshade (if it didnt kill them:cool:) any other ones more extreme?
  2. Alot of booze, you're just not yourself.
  3. From my experience, Meth. That was just so out of this world, like, it kind of scared me. I really wasn't expecting that much. It was all so artificial though...

    edit: that was the one and only time I ever did it by the way
  4. DMT should be it. i mean what other drug besides DMT and salvia can make you feel like you just died twice in 30 minutes.
  5. Ehh.. heroin or meth. Meth because of the awful repercussions and heroin because of how badly it fucks up your arm and your life.
  6. 3 blotters of LSD gave me the most intense trip I've ever had.
  7. As far as visuals go - 2CB
    As far as pure spiritual and mystical experiences go - Mushrooms (psilocybe semilanceata to be precise)
    As far as euphoria and good times go - MDMA or MDA
    As far as 'What the fuck?' goes - Salvia
    As far as pshycosis goes - Amphetamine sulphate binge

    I don't touch no speed anymore, tis' not good craic.

    Favourite drug? Cannabis :)
  8. DMT for sure
  9. Adrenochrome hehehe
  10. I heard belladonna is pretty whack.
  11. I was going to say something like gasoline, but I'm afraid people might actually try it :)
  12. I'd say it has to be either Salvia(I made 120x extract from some plants I grow) or DMT/05-MEO-DMT(Can't really say one is better than the other because they have slightly different effects but are essentually the same(ish) thing). I reckon salvia actually because it was such a high dose(one HUGE hit of 120x), I was just an entity floating around in a vast blank universe, No stars, no planets, just nothing for what seemed like an eternity. Worse feeling i have ever had, but at the same time the best?:smoking: Come to think about it, gram for gram it may actually be LSD:confused::wave:

  13. I don't know about the visuals... but Id have to agree with you on everything else... especially the "What the fuck?" Salvia is one hellova weird ass drug.

    and to Piru: Could you imagine even like... 100mg of LSD? damn...
  14. Salvia can be extremely intense and it hits you like a ton of bricks, but its effects wear off after about 5 - 10 minutes. And it's legal in most places.
  15. You must not have too much experience with a wide-range of drugs. Try something like DMT, but beware... its onset is so sudden and mind-altering, you may not be able to handle it.

  16. Funny you should mention solvents. Back in my more err..'scummier' days I partook in a bit of aerosols and I can tell you that the 'what the fuck?' effects of that have been on par with salvia. Sometimes I would just think I had died and hallucinations were scary, heart skipping ones. I even ended up trying to batter my mate. In my mind I had battered the shite out of him, but in reality, only a few punches made it.:(
  17. Probably DMT, but not many people are willing to do that to themselves and those who are probably won't want to do it very often at all. Other than that, Salvia, of course, is another very very intense drug, but its not something people get familiar with. Salvia is more of an experimental type drug. People don't do it often and when they actually do it, its regarded as more of an experience than a trip. Honestly, as far as "real" drugs go, it's got to be LSD. I took three hits of good acid friday and I must say, I was tripping BALLS for a good 10 hours and then a 6 hour come down. I just got 8 hits of the same stuff too. I'm really excited to see where that can take me.
  18. Of the drugs I've taken, Salvia is by far the most extreme.
  19. DMT, and here's why. Those who have done both would agree that DMT is like getting shot out of a cannon. From there, the experiences vary greatly (though there are commonly re-occuring themes from user to user). The effects last up to 45 minutes with a usual peak time of 15 minutes, though users will tell you it felt like an eternity. Whereas LSD is like a boat ride with terrific scenery. Ones perception of time is not so greatly distorted.

    Salvia is the most psychedelic substance out there. Hands down. But Salvinorin A is quite different than any other drug. It's effect are the most unpredictable, and at times quite difficult to remember entirely. Other times, the experience is engraved in your very soul and could never be forgotten.

    Another reason why I think salvia is the runner up is because not all trips are succesful, that is, its full potential is not always reached even if executed properly (hold flame for long time, hold inhale as long as one can).
  20. Spaz would pick DMT for overall extreme. I have done salvia a lot too, and salvia is a very odd feeling, as if someone cut and paste you into this world.

    Back in the day, " DUster" was the shit. the Wa wa wa wa wa noise was crazy, and things were just insane. But that shit is so bad for you, I no longer do it now.

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