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Most Enjoyable Way to take Marijuana

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by The Captain K, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I don't enjoy smoking because I like to maintain a healthy lifestyle, hence .. what way can I enjoy marijuana that is easy and simple. No baking required ... ugh .. I wish I could just pop the nug, but my stomach acid would destroy it .. soo .. I dunno. Help me out GC!
  2. Man where have you been, look for vaporizers!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. A Vaporizer would be the answer to this question.
  4. Vape it. Or make edibles.

    I personally enjoy smoking the fine herb.
  5. Buy a vape or find a dealer who sells incredible edibles.
  6. I don't want a vaporizer. Something that doesn't require money .. no toking tool.. damnit ..
  7. 500 posts and doesnt know any other ways to use marijuana;o.. I saw this one thread about making capsuals but it involved baking.. Ohwell.
  8. In the ass
  9. This. ^^ as a sugggestion i recommend a Magic Flight Launch Box vaporizer 100 dollars and a lifetime warranty and it hits gooood:smoke:
  10. suppository hopefully you can keep your tolerance low ...doh.........
  11. If you dont want to smoke it, cook it, and dont want to buy a toking tool to vape it... Then your beat.

    Just smoke it... How unhealthy is it really?
  12. I havent made any of these, but try making some non-bake firecrackers and let them sit a week. Or try making weed ramen, or weed hot chocolate, theres a few pretty good recipes on here.
  13. Lol, spend the $100 on an MFLB its portable so you can VAPE ANYWHERE.

    It pays for itself in the long run because of how much bud you save also

  14. Cardio is harder.
  15. Well If you wanna look after your health but still want convenience I would recommended a pipe as it cuts out need for tobacco assuming thats what you usually roll with . I would also recommended glass over metal as it will taste better . My metal one tastes OK at first but gets filthy quickly .

  16. I toke more or less daily, and I've never found it harder to do cardio exercises. I've been swimming and/or rowing every day of the week since i was six, so i'd notice if it were much more difficult for me.

    Might just be me being weird though :rolleyes:

  17. No, weed smoke itself hurts my lungs and makes cardio hard.

  18. Well, I guess it's different for all but smoking it kinda hurts the lungs.

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